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Zo·ro·as·tri·an zɔrәu'æstriәn 高iWeb³⁴¹⁸²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本英英例句例句 adj.与索罗亚斯德教有关的⁵⁰n.索罗亚斯德教的教徒⁵⁰亦作Zarathustrian Noun: follower of Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism Adjective: of or pertaining to Zoroaster or the religion he founded 名词100% 用作名词Historically, the magi were priests of theZoroastrianreligion of Persia.在历史上,东方三大博士在波斯的宗教里做索罗亚斯德教的牧师。 The rite to invoke the god of rain, derived fromZoroastrianbeliefs, involves making a cloth doll which is left to soak in a river.他们求雨的方式是将一个布偶放入河中吸满水,这种仪式就来自于索罗亚斯德教。 But Zoroastrian priests and elders now use the Faravahar as a visual tool to illustrate the basic elements of the religion, especially when they are teaching children. 但是,琐罗亚斯德教的祭司和长者现在使用法拉瓦哈作为一种视觉工具去阐明宗教的基本要素,尤其是当他们在教导小孩的时候。 chinaufo.com According to Zoroastrian scholar Dr. 依照琐罗亚斯德教学者 Dr。 chinaufo.com Darius I, when in power, Zoroastrian as the state religion. 大流士一世当政时,琐罗亚斯德教定为国教。 tianya He met with increasing hostility from the Zoroastrian priests and was finally executed for heresy. 他面对着来自琐罗亚斯德教祭司越来越多的敌意,最后被处决为异端。 chinaufo.com He points to the fact that Zoroastrian Sogdians had a visible presence in Tang China and that Zoroastrian priests wore a face cover during rituals to avoid polluting the fire with breath or saliva. 他指出,信仰拜火教的粟特人在中国唐代确有存在,拜火教祭司在举行祭祀仪式时会在脸上蒙布,以免自己的呼吸或唾液玷污圣火。 qeto In the later books of the Avesta the Zoroastrian scriptures, the fravashis of the righteous are invoked as fierce and mighty warriors for the Good. 在后期的波斯古典琐罗亚斯德教手稿的书里面,正义的法拉瓦什是作为猛烈和强大的为善良而战斗的力量而调用。 bioon It was in these early decades of the20th century that the Faravahar began to be incorporated into the design of Zoroastrian temples, publications, and ornaments. 在二十世纪初,法拉瓦哈开始与琐罗亚斯特庙宇的设计,出版物和装饰物成为一体。 chinaufo.com None of these interpretations of the Faravahar design are found in any extant Zoroastrian scripture. 这些法拉瓦哈图案的解释没有一个是建立在任何现存的琐罗亚斯德教手稿的基础上。 jukuu The other funerary rite is older and hails from the Zoroastrian religion, which has its roots in ancient Persia now Iran. 另一种丧葬仪式则要古老些,它来自琐罗亚斯德教拜火教,该教起源于古代波斯今伊朗。 yeeyan There was a Zoroastrian fire sanctuary and a bridge, which still stands on a foundation from the Sasanian age and resembles the bridge at Shushtar. 有一个拜火教消防庇护和一座桥梁,它仍然有效的基础上,从年龄和 Sasanian类似于桥 Shushtar。 uzmart.com The Zoroastrian symbol is visible on the main facade of the building. Zoroastrian标志是可看见的在大厦的主要门面。 qwika |