

单词 zookeepers
释义 zookeepers ˈzuːkiːpərz COCA⁸⁵⁰⁸¹
n.动物园管理员;🌏动物园员工原型zookeeper的复数 A30-year- old Brookfield Zoo gorilla died Tuesday morning following a four- month-long battle with kidney disease, and zookeepers allowed the surviving gorillas to mourn her death in a special way.
在与肾病抗争了四个月之后,布鲁克菲尔德动物园的一头30岁的大猩猩周二上午去世,动物园管理员允许其他大猩猩以一种特殊的方式哀悼她的死亡。 blog.sina.com.cn

But in the zoo, the veterinarian anaesthetized the lion and got help from two strong zookeepers who opened up the lion's jaws completely so they could wrench the horse's foot out.
兽医只得将狮子麻醉,在两名强壮的饲养员的帮助下掰开狮子的嘴,取出卡在嘴里的马腿。 yootiao

After zookeepers recognized Temi was in labor, they kept close watch on her to ensure her safety and that of the calf.
在动物管理员发现特米即将分娩时,他们小心看护它以确保它和即将出生的小象的安全。 yeeyan

Anchorage zookeepers are installing a 16,000- pound7.3- ton treadmill to keep an isolated elephant from getting fat during the long, cold Alaskan winters.
美国阿拉斯加州南部港口城市安克雷奇动物园的工作人员们正在安装一台重1.6万磅7.3吨的巨型跑步机,用来帮助一头孤独的大象在阿拉斯加漫长而寒冷的冬季保持“身材”。 edu.sina.com.cn

As the zoo tries to figure out what killed Knut, animal- rights groups are blaming zookeepers for his death, accusing officials of putting financial interests ahead of the famous polar bear's welfare.
当动物园调查克努特死因时,动物权益组织纷纷谴责动物园管理员和相关人士为了眼前的利益而置克努特的健康于不顾。 yeeyan

Gaza City zookeepers have found a creative way of drawing crowds to their zoo— by painting their donkeys into“ zebras”.
巴勒斯坦加沙城的一个动物园别出心裁,竟然将两头驴染上斑纹,装扮成斑马来吸引游客。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In April this year zookeepers saved the life of a German woman who was being mauled by a polar bear after she jumped into an enclosure at Berlin Zoo.
今年4月,一位德国妇女跳进柏林动物园的北极熊馆围栏内,遭到一只北极熊的攻击,幸亏几位动物园管理员救了她。 yeeyan

Knut's mother didn't want to look after him, so zookeepers at Berlin zoo had to help him.
由于努特的母亲不想照顾牠,所以柏林动物园的管理员必须帮忙。 taipeitimes

The survey also found that12 zoonoses, suggesting zookeepers, field workers should be paid attention to the contact with wild animals.
本次调查还发现12种人兽共患寄生虫,提示动物饲养员、野外工作者、游客等应注意与野生动物接触的方式。 fabiao

Three years ago, five parrots were set free in a wild place of Arizona, thousands of miles from the Channel Islands in Jersey where they had been looked after by zookeepers.
三年前,5只鹦鹉被放飞到亚利桑那州的野外,距离它们曾经被关的动物园所在地——泽西的香奈儿岛数千英里。 iask.sina.com.cn

Two baby gorillas hand- raised by zookeepers after being rejected by their mothers are being primed for a return to the wild in their native African homeland.
两只大猩猩宝宝在出生后即被母亲遗弃,它们完全靠动物园的饲养员亲手养大。目前,两只大猩猩即将返回它们的故乡——非洲丛林。 cri

When the zookeepers bring them food, the gorillas run for their portion, which on this day happened to be a big bundle of carrots.
当动物管理员把食物拿来时,猩猩们就会奔向自己的那一份。碰巧这一天的食物是一大捆胡萝卜。 huanqiu

Zookeepers in the Netherlands are planning to hook up Dutch and Indonesian orangutans over the Internet.
荷兰的动物园管理员计画透过网路让荷兰与印尼的红毛猩猩送作堆。 taipeitimes

Zookeepers said they now have a population of80 red- eared turtles and that they were forced to build a new enclosure for the dozen estuarine crocodiles found last month.
动物园管理员说,园内现有80只红耳龟,他们不得不修建新的围栏用来圈养数十只上月被发现河口鳄鱼。 yeeyan

Zookeepers say the dog has been treating the cubes as her own and even licks and cleans them.
动物园管理员说,这只狗对这些小白虎视如己出,还为它们舔舐,清理。 putclub

Zookeepers say the dog has been treating the cuss as her own and even licks and cleans them.
动物园管理人员表示这条狗一直像照顾亲生孩子一样照顾着它们,甚至舔舐、清洗它们。 putclub




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