

单词 zones
释义 zone·s 英zəʊn美zoʊn COCA⁶⁶⁴⁴BNC⁵⁷⁴⁶Economist³⁴⁶⁶
C 划分出来的地区,区域,地带

a division or area marked off from others by particular qualities or activities

C 气候带

any of the five divisions of the Earth's surface according to temperature, marked by imaginary lines running round it from east to west

vt. 划分区域

mark with〔into〕, or as with a zone or zones; divide into zones

a locally circumscribed place characterized by some distinctive featuresany of the regions of the surface of the Earth loosely divided according to latitude or longitudean area or region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristicanatomy any encircling or beltlike structure
regulate housing in; of certain areas of townsseparate or apportion into sections;

partition a room off











用作名词 n.
形容词+~free zone外货免税区frigid〔temperate〕 zone寒〔温〕带名词+~buffer〔forecast, safety〕 zone缓冲〔预报,安全〕地带bussiness zone商业区drop zone空投场介词+~within the zone在区域内~+介词zone in depth纵深地带the zone of action活动区域用作动词 v.~+名词zone area划分地区zone city划分城市zone country划分国家zone house划分房子~+副词zone off与外界隔离~+介词zone for划为…
zone off v.+adv.

与外界隔离 separate (an area by dividing from the rest)

zone sth ⇔ offThe whole hospital area has been zoned off until the infection is under control.在这种传染病得到控制以前,整个医院已同外界隔离。近义词 regionsectionn. areaterritory
用作名词n.Do not enter the danger zone!切勿进入危险区!
It's against the law to build factories in this residential zone.在这个居民区建工厂是违法的。
These trees only grow in temperatezones.这些树只能生长在温带。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.They zoned the countries by the river.他们靠这条河把这两个国家区分开来。
They zoned the house into sleeping, sitting and dining rooms.他们将房子区分成卧室、客厅和餐厅。
The city has been zoned.这座城市已被划分了区域。
S+~+ n./pron. +as/for n.They zoned the area as residential.他们把这个区域划分成为住宅区。
This small town has been zoned as a shopping area.这个小镇已划作商业区。
The downtown area is zoned for commercial use.市中心被划为供商业中心使用。


zone多用作及物动词,后接地点名词作宾语,还可接以“as/for+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。

用作名词They are pulling their troops out of the battlezone.他们正把部队调离战区。
They have declared their country a, nuclear-freezone.他们宣布本国为无核区。
Most of China is in the temperatezone.中国的大部分地区在温带。
The Norwegians live in a comparatively coldzone.挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
My uncle lived in the temperatezone.我舅舅住在气候温和的地区。 As you learned earlier, all data is stored in the global context, which is made up of several zones.
正如前面了解到的一样,所有数据都存储在全局上下文中由几个区组成。 ibm

But the bears’ metabolisms plunged down to even more energy-saving zones, averaging only25 percent of the basic summer rate.
但黑熊的新陈代谢率却甚至直降到了储能区以下,平均仅为夏天基础代谢率的25%。 yeeyan

Even on a software project, during times of stress and panic, we have a tendency to turn to our comfort zones.
甚至是在软件项目中,在压力和恐慌的时期,我们倾向于求助于我们的舒适地带。 ibm

For high availability best practices, a collective should span several zones.
对于高可用性最佳实践,一个集合应该跨几个区域。 ibm

For reverse zones, you only create records recording the relationship between the IP address and the host.
对于反向区域,您只是创建用于记录 IP地址与主机间关系的记录。 ibm

He determined the year by designating the zones; He set up three constellations for each of the twelve months.

He explained that sometimes during the shock of impact graphite can create jumbled“ amorphous” zones that can resist diamonds, at least those coming at them from one direction.
他解释说,对岩石内石墨的冲击能制造出混乱的“无序”区,这种区域可以抵抗钻石的破坏,至少从一个方向上钻石无法穿透它。 yeeyan

However, I gave them no motivation to step outside their comfort zones and act on what they knew.
然而,我们有给他们走出舒适地带并且依照他们所知道的来行动的动力。 ibm

However comfort zones also stop us from learning about ourselves and growing as individuals.
然而,安逸区也会阻止我们认清我们自己并成长为独立的人。 yeeyan

If we as individuals need a good push to get us out of our comfort zones then unwieldy organisations need a mighty shove.
如果说我们作为个体需要很好的推动来摆脱自己的舒适区的话,那么范围更广的组织就更需要强有力的撞击。 yeeyan

Note that AWS has an option to deploy the database to multiple availability zones.
请注意, AWS有一个向多个可用性区域部署数据库的选项。 ibm

Oxygen-deprived “ dead zones” already exist in the oceans, including an area of thousands of square kilometres in the Gulf of Mexico.
一些海洋里已经出现无氧的“死亡地带”,这包括了位于墨西哥湾一个上千平方公里的区域。 yeeyan

Perfect people never fail because they never stretch themselves beyond their comfort zones.
完美的人从不失败,因为他们从不跨越他们的舒适区域。 yeeyan

Read my article about shifting comfort zones. It will explain how to transition from where you are to where you want to be.
读我关于转换舒适地带的文章。解释如何从你所在的地方过渡到你想要去的地方。 yeeyan

The sun and its atmosphere are divided into several zones and layers.
太阳和太阳大气可以被区分成几个区域和层次。 yeeyan

The loudspeaker will enable the operator to warn swimmers of danger zones, calm them down and instruct them how best to use EMILY.
通过扬声器,操作员能够向游泳者警告危险区域、使他们镇定下来、向他们解说EMILY的使用方法。 ecocn

There are several zones which implement different life cycles for your data.
有几个区域可为您的数据执行不同的生命周期。 ibm

These uncertain times have provoked some software managers and executives to return to their comfort zones, which is understandable.
这些不确定的时期使得软件管理者和执行者萌生了返回舒适地带的念头,这是可以理解的。 ibm

These zones also follow administrative boundaries and extend beyond the30 km radius.
这些区域也以行政区划为界并超出30公里半径距离。 who

They have caused me to re- evaluate the whole idea of comfort zones and the need for discipline in even the simplest things.
这促使我重新评估舒适地带的概念,以及纪律的需要程度即使是在最简单的事情里。 ibm

To give you the same advantage, here’s a cheat sheet to the most toxic zones around your home and how to detox them.
为了给你相同的便利,这里有一张关于你家里最有毒的区域和如何解除它们的小抄。 ebigear

To master the illusion of your choosing you need to expand your zones of performance through deliberate practice.
要掌握幻想的能力,你需要通过目标训练来扩展你的表演区域。 yeeyan

We also we pass on our comfort zones to our children and we all want what’s best for our children so why not try to experience something totally new and step outside your comfort zone.
我们也会继续将我们的舒适区传递给我们的孩子,而我们全都希望提供给我们的孩子最好的,所以为什么不试着去经历些完全不同的新的事情呢,跨出你的安逸区。 yeeyan

When the failed zone comes back online, the primary and replica data grids are redistributed among all of the available zones by the catalog service to maximize high availability.
当故障区域重新上线时,主数据网格和副本数据网格通过目录服务在所有可用区域之间重新分布,从而最大化高可用性。 ibm




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