

单词 zoned
释义 zoned 英zəʊnd美zond 高COCA⁵⁰⁴³¹BNC⁵¹²⁹⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
动词 zone:
regulate housing in; of certain areas of townsseparate or apportion into sectionszone地域triple-zoned coral三带型珊瑚zoned lens antenna分区透镜天线…zoned format区标格式,分区形式,…zoned array分区阵zoned school地区学校zoned decimal区位十进trailing zoned data后嵌入区式数据…zoned lens分区透镜zoned lining特殊部位砖衬…zoned air分区送风zoned scheme分区布置
用作形容词Thezonedarea for public park was polluted by waste water.这块划出来建公园的区域被废水污染了。as in.outlined
同义词 definedbanded,bordered,bounded,circumscribed,delimited,delineated,edged,girdled,markedconfigurated
outlinedadjective marked in outline
banded,bordered,bounded,circumscribed,configurated,defined,delimited,delineated,edged,girdled,marked A neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc.
划定的街区,作为开设色情书店、影院、脱衣舞场等的场所。 ebigear

After5 hours' work, I zoned out in front of my computer screen.
工作5小时候,我很快便在电脑屏幕前入睡了。 hjenglish

More from the Kinsey Institute study: Women not on hormonal birth control like The Pill zoned in on people's genitals when shown a pornographic pic.
也是来自金赛性学研究所的研究:看到色情图片时,没有采用激素节育比如口服避孕药的女性关注的是人们的生殖器官。 yeeyan

The part of the town has been zoned as a shopping area.
城市的这一地区已被划分为商业区。 blog.sina.com.cn

After bitter and pointless debate, the council zoned the lot for the gas station and the galaxy above the lot for the sign.
经过激烈且毫无意义的辩论后,议会划出一块地方给加油站,然后把那个广告牌放在加油站的顶上。 yeeyan

First, there has been a big expansion in the area of rainforest designated as national park or indigenous reserve, or zoned exclusively for logging.
首先,有更大的地域的雨林被设计为国家公园或者保留地,还有一部分被单独划分为伐木区。 ecocn

If you use SAN disks for storage, the disks for the shared volume groups need to be zoned to all nodes.
如果您使用 SAN磁盘进行存储,那么用于共享卷组的磁盘必须被分区到所有节点。 ibm

In order to find even the so- called well- being, I referred back to the front of a large mountain, in spite of those who have shed sweat and tears drip and is zoned open wound.
甚至为了找到所谓的幸福,我翻阅了眼前的一座座大山,不顾那些曾经流下的汗水、滴落的泪水和划开的伤口。 mp3dj8

In New York he re- zoned huge swathes of land from commercial to residential use.
在纽约他重新从商业用地中划分出大片住宅用地。 ecocn

Indeed, one part of the island is being zoned for the construction of theme parks.
的确,岛上正划出一块地来建设主题公园。 yeeyan

Local councils allowed ever more plots to be zoned for urban development, issuing building permits with abandon and receiving fees or a percentage of the land.
当地委员会允许越来越多的土地划为城市开发,放纵地签发建筑许可证,然后收取费用或者拥有一定比例的土地。 ecocn

No brain book is complete without a diagram showing which regions are zoned for what function.
任何一本介绍脑的书,如果没有脑域划分及其掌管职能的图示的话,都不能算完整。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Note that for the WWPN to appear in this menu, you must have configured and zoned the host correctly in the SAN.
注意,若要使 WWPN出现在此菜单,您必须在此 SAN中已经正确对该主机进行了配置和专区划分。 ibm

The bottom line: China is taking action against companies that have built on land zoned for farming.
底线:中国正在采取行动应对公司在耕地上非法建造的问题。 yeeyan

The bottom line: China is taking action against companies that have built on land zoned for farming. The BYD case is being closely watched.

The company has built factories on acreage zoned to grow enough food to feed the population.
比亚迪汽车已经将新的工厂建在用以生产足够粮食来喂养当地人口的土地上。 yeeyan

The ministry says BYD built its new factories even though 92 percent of the land they occupied in Shaanxi province was zoned for agriculture.
政府部门声称比亚迪在陕西省为建造新工厂而占用的土地中有92%是本规划用以农业生产的。 yeeyan

The business and commercial centre has now been zoned off: private cars prohibited and delivery vans may only enter and leave at specified times.
商业中心已划为专门区域:私人汽车不得进入,送货车辆也只能在规定时间内才能出入该地区。 iciba

The allocation process is again done in a hierarchical zoned way, with each major application requesting a block of addresses from its controller.
具体地址分配的过程也会按照层次化的方式划分,每台主要的电气设备会向其控制器请求一个地址段. yeeyan

This part of the city has been zoned for industrial development.

While you’re zoned out, the brain activates what neuroscientists have identified as a“ default network”.
当大脑不在服务区时,神经学家对大脑的活动确认为一种“默认网络”。 yeeyan

You just zoned out; you were somewhere else, and it's as if you've suddenly woken up at the wheel.
你只是走神了,神游到了别的什么地方,而且好像你突然间意识到了车轮子。 yeeyan




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