

单词 zonal
释义 zo·nal 英ˈzəʊnəl美ˈzonəlAHDzōʹnəl 高COCA⁷⁷⁸⁸⁰BNC³⁶⁶³⁷iWeb³²⁵⁵²
relating to or of the nature of a zone;

the zonal frontier

associated with or divided into zones;

a zonal pattern of cell structure

zonal division

zonal profile分带剖面zonal combustion区域燃烧zonal distribution带状分布,分带分布,…zonal flow纬向流zonal filter区域滤光器zonal circulation纬向环流zonal index纬向指数zonal aberration带象差zonal structure层状结构zonal fossil分带化石zonal electrophoresis分段电泳zonal texture带状结构zonal mineral分带矿物zonal curve晶带曲线zonal melting区域熔融zonal vegetation显域植被,地带性植被…zonal soil显域土zonal growth带状结晶,带状生长…
zon-al…的⇒adj.带状的⁷⁴;区域性的¹³;划成地带的¹³近义词 area面积district地区regional地区的zonary像带子的territorial领土的反义词 azonal不分地区的

用作形容词A broadzonalsubtropical ridge is situated north of LUPIT.一个广阔的带状副热带高压正处于卢碧北面。
Thezonalvegetation in this area is evergreen broad leaved forest.这个区域的地域性植被是常绿阔叶林。 All deposits, formed in Indosinian- Yanshanian epoch, are stratabound and zonal distribution.
矿床具层控特征,呈带状分布,形成于印支—燕山期。 cnki

An analysis of the simulated results shows significant banded structure and non zonal characteristics of the Antarctic Circumpolar CurrentACC in this region.
对模拟结果的分析表明,该海区的南极绕极流具有非常显著的条带状分布和非纬向性特征。 http://dj.iciba.com

For their goal from a corner four attacking players stood in between the zonal markers and the goalkeeper.
来自角球的进球四名进攻球员在盯人防守队员以及门将身边。 zhibo8

In this paper, the mechanism of formation of zonal structures in low-carbon alloy steel and three methods for removing them are introduced.
介绍了低碳合金钢中带状组织形成机理及三种主要的消除或减轻的方法。 dictall

The circulation of the free atmosphere is predominantlylargely zonal and only to a slight extent to a less degree meridional.
自由大气中环流主要是纬向的,经向性很弱。 ebigear

The fracture mainly is due to the existing of zonal ferrite in the microstructure of matrix.
心部组织中的带状铁素体是引起断裂的主要原因。 cnki

The function necessary for life was arranged to zonal once, and it was put in the fold box three-dimensionally.
住宅必须的功能元素成区域分布,它们被设计师以三维的模式放入折叠的盒子内部。 julemei.com

The phenomenon of zonal disintegration is a special technical problem which comes with deep mass.
岩石分区碎裂化现象是伴随深部岩体的特殊工程响应问题之一。 cnki

The study in this text has the basic effect on exhaustive studying the phenomenon of zonal disintegration and has the theoretical guiding significance in the engineering.
本文所开展的上述研究工作对岩石分区碎裂化问题的深入研究起到了铺垫作用并且对实际工程具有一定的理论指导意义。 cnki

The zonal porosity in centrifugal casting of high aluminum ZA alloy is described and its formation mechanism is analyzed.
介绍了高铝锌合金离心铸件带状缩松的形态特征,并对其形成机理进行了分析。 dictall

After outbreak, the axe-shape arid region is turning into the inverted T shape as moving to south, followed by turning to southwest- northeast zonal arid region and moving to South China Sea.
冷涌爆发后,斧形干区南压过程中演变为倒 T形干区,之后倒 T形干区转变为西南东北向的带状干区进入南海海面。 cnki

Classification of steppe vegetation was developing principally in connection with the zonal division of the vast steppe areas of Russia.
草原植被的分类主要是在俄国广阔草原区的地带划分方面发展起来的。 kuenglish

Efficient calculating method for zonal polynomials is the key of good approximation for hypergeometric function with matrix argument.
计算矩阵变量超几何函数的关键在于带状多项式的计算。 dictall

Finally, the meridional transports of zonal momentum, heat and water vapor in the model are analysed.
此外,计算并比较分析了模式中动量、感热和水汽的经向输送。 cnki

Forest edge regeneration in shady slope is an important mode for Larix principis-rupprechtii, which could be used as basis of zonal cutting regeneration design.
阴坡半阴坡华北落叶松的林缘更新是华北落叶松一种有效的更新方式,可作为带状采伐更新设计的根据; cnki

Intuitive zonal defending will cover spaces and players need to look constantly for new ways to attack.
依靠直觉的区域防守将会覆盖空档,球员需要持续的观察才能找到一种新的进攻方法。 zhibo8

RTLS solutions identify an item’s location using dimensional coordinates or zonal information.
RTLS解决方案使用空间坐标或区域信息识别某种生产资源的位置。 ibm

To resolve the difficulty of progressive time calculating in normal inverse- time overcurrent curve, two algorithms of zonal table-lookup and Taylor expansion are put forward.
然后针对计算比较困难的一般反时限曲线,介绍了分区查表和泰勒展开法计算时延累加量的算法。 cnki

We play zonal marking, but he’ll probably end up running into my area at some point.
我们踢区域防守,但是他有时可能会到我的区域抢点。 yeeyan

Xavi swung the corner in, Carles Puyol’s run from deep caught out Germany’s zonal marking system, and he powered a header into the net to give Spain the lead.
哈维传出角球,普约尔从德国队的区域盯防网中杀出,以一次头槌攻门为西班牙取得领先地位。 yeeyan

Zonal flows can be driven by the radial gradient of the Reynolds stress.
雷诺协强的径向梯度驱动带状流抑制了湍流输运。 cnki




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