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词汇 zombie
释义 zom·bi 英ˈzɒmbiː美ˈzɑmbiAHDzŏmʹbē ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA¹⁶⁵⁰⁶BNC³¹⁴⁶⁸iWeb⁵⁰⁹⁷Economist¹⁷⁸⁷⁶

a dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural forcevoodooism a spirit or supernatural force that reanimates a dead bodya god of voodoo cults of African origin worshipped especially in West Indiessomeone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way;

only an automaton wouldn't have noticed

several kinds of rum with fruit juice and usually apricot liqueur该词源自刚果语zumbi 'good-luck fetish',原指西非崇拜的蟒神python-god,以后随非洲黑奴移植到西印度群岛和美国南部,转指伏都教voodoo崇拜的蛇神,也指使尸体起死回生的魔力。以后“还魂尸”即被巫术驱动的“行尸”或“僵尸”也被称为zombie,特别是在伏都教习俗盛行的海地。20世纪30至40年代出现了一些以zombie为主题的恐怖电影,影片中的zombie在巫术的控制下,既像是梦游又像是着魔的样子,机器人般地走出来干坏事。今天,在英语口语中,该词常用以喻指“木讷呆板的人”或“因极度疲劳而行动迟缓的人”。近义词 robot机器人machine机器automaton机器人sleepwalker梦游病者zombi靠巫术起死回生的僵尸…living dead生不如死的生活…

用作名词He looked like azombiethe morning after he went out drinking.在他外出喝酒后的次日早晨,他看起来了无生气像一个僵尸。
If I keep watching so much TV, I'll turn into azombie.假如我继续看这么多电视节目,我会变成行尸走肉。
I walked around like azombiefor most of the day.一天中的大部分时间我像行尸走肉般四处走动。
Her father thought her boyfriends werezombies.她父亲认为她的男友们都木讷呆板。as in.character
同义词 personalitycard,clown,crank,customer,eccentric,freak,nut,nut case,oddball,oddity,original,weirdowackas in.ghost
同义词 demon,devil,phantom,shadow,soul,specter,vampire,visionapparition,appearance,banshee,daemon,haunt,kelpie,manes,phantasm,poltergeist,revenant,shade,spook,visitor,wraitheidolon,ethereal being,incorporeal beingas in.machine
同义词 agent,automaton,clone,drudge,grind,laborer,puppet,robotmechanicalas in.persona
同义词 personality,identity,characterrole,guise,image,person,figure,personageself,mind,anima,soul,id,egoas in.phantasma
同义词 apparition,appearance,banshee,bogey,bogeyman,daemon,demon,devil,haunt,kelpie,manes,phantasm,phantom,poltergeist,revenant,shade,shadow,soul,specter,spirit,spook,vampire,vision,visitant,visitor,wraithbogle,eidolon,ethereal being,incorporeal beingas in.visitant
同义词 apparition,appearance,banshee,bogey,bogeyman,daemon,demon,devil,haunt,kelpie,manes,phantasm,phantasma,phantom,poltergeist,revenant,shade,shadow,soul,specter,spirit,spook,vampire,vision,visitor,wraithbogle,eidolon,ethereal being,incorporeal being
ghostnoun spirit of the dead
apparition,appearance,banshee,daemon,demon,devil,eidolon,ethereal being,haunt,incorporeal being,kelpie,manes,phantasm,phantom,poltergeist,revenant,shade,shadow,soul,specter,spook,vampire,vision,visitor,wraith
ghostsnoun spirit of the dead
apparitions,appearances,banshees,daemons,demons,devils,eidolons,ethereal beings,haunts,incorporeal beings,kelpies,manes,phantasms,phantoms,poltergeists,revenants,shades,shadows,souls,specters,spooks,vampires,visions,visitors,wraiths,zombies
machinenoun person who acts automatically
phantasmanoun ghost
apparition,appearance,banshee,bogey,bogeyman,bogle,daemon,demon,devil,eidolon,ethereal being,haunt,incorporeal being,kelpie,manes,phantasm,phantom,poltergeist,revenant,shade,shadow,soul,specter,spirit,spook,vampire,vision,visitant,visitor,wraith,zombie
visitantnoun ghost
apparition,appearance,banshee,bogey,bogeyman,bogle,daemon,demon,devil,eidolon,ethereal being,haunt,incorporeal being,kelpie,manes,phantasm,phantasma,phantom,poltergeist,revenant,shade,shadow,soul,specter,spirit,spook,vampire,vision,visitor,wraith,zombie And I would wonder where were all the smart people who expect that the depressing impact of these zombie banks can't be overcome-- even by strong companies.
还让我的疑惑的是,那些聪明人在哪里?他们预计到,即使那些强大的公司也无法战胜这些僵尸银行带来的令人沮丧的影响。 yeeyan

In the end, what I am suggesting is that with careful planning and a consistent approach, the zombie threat can be managed.
最后,我想要说明的是:只要有精心的策划和始终如一的对策,活僵尸威胁是能够得以控制的。 yeeyan

In the most recent film version of“ I Am Legend” a1954 story by Richard Matheson, the zombie- like mutants are the result of an attempt to cure cancer.
最新发行的影片《我是传奇》1954年理查德•马西森著中,类似于僵尸的突变体是在癌症的治疗实验中产生的。 topsage

The last thing you want in the face of an advancing zombie horde is a blown fuel sensor.
在面对一大群向前进的僵尸时你最不想要的,就是一个融掉的燃料传感器吧。 yeeyan

The lecturer of Zombie Studies is Arnold Blumberg.
教授僵尸学的是阿诺德布隆伯格。 yeeyan

An unidentified woman screams as she realizes that a man dressed up like a zombie is sitting next to her.
一位不知道姓名的女人看到坐在旁边的是一位扮成僵尸的男人,吓得惊叫起来。 cri

But the zombie, with its staggering gait and glassy expression, can also be comic.
然而,蹒跚的步态和木讷的语言也能让僵尸充满戏剧效果。 topsage

How would all those theories hold up under the pressure of a zombie assault?
在“活僵尸”袭击的压力下,所有那些理论将何以维系? yeeyan

I love zombie films.
我钟爱僵尸片。 yeeyan

In fact, TARP, the Troubled Assets Relief Program, and other rescue plans have fostered“ zombie banks, ” which may impair the health of other banks and the entire financial system.
事实上 TARP这个问题资产救助计划,和其他救援计划催生了所谓的僵尸银行,这可能会影响其他银行乃至整个金融系统的健康状态。 yeeyan

It follows the plot and uses much of the text of Jane Austen’s original work, Pride and Prejudice , though with references to zombies and zombie fighting sprinkled here and there for comic effect.
书中采用了许多简·奥斯丁原著《傲慢与偏见》的情节和段落。尽管为了喜剧效果到处提到僵尸和并点缀着僵尸的打斗。 yeeyan

Merging zombie banks is like drunks trying to help each other stand up.
合并“僵尸银行”就像醉汉帮扶醉汉——大家都站不起来。 yeeyan

My wife and I have purposely resisted video game consoles, fearing their zombie-like effect on kids.
我和老婆一直都很抗拒电视游戏主机,担心它们会对孩子产生“僵尸化” 的效果。

Neither accommodation nor recognition would be sustainable options in the face of the zombie threat.
在活僵尸的威胁面前,既不和解也不认同是或可维持的选择。 iciba

Observers are on the lookout for“ zombie funds”, which keep their existing investments ticking over until they mature but stop making new ones.
观察员们正密切关注一些“僵尸基金”,这些基金勉强维持着他们现有的投资,并不再进行新的投资项目。 ecocn

Oh yes, somebody actually did a study on mathematics of a hypothetical zombie attack, and published it in a book on infectious disease.
是的,有些人确实对假想的僵尸进攻进行了数学分析与研究,并将结果发表在一本关于传染病的书上。 yeeyan

Romero came back again a decade later and put the word Zombie back into Fashion with his1978 classic ‘ Dawn of the Dead’.
几十年之后,罗梅罗再次归来,用他在1978年拍摄的电影《活死人黎明》将僵尸这个词带入时尚领域。 yeeyan

Swords are cool because all guns are starting pistols for the“ Chase the human” zombie marathon.
宝剑太酷了,因为所有的枪都是僵尸追人马拉松的发令枪。 yeeyan

That happened in Japan in2002-03, when zombie banks were at last prodded to own up to their bad debts, and in America last year.
这在2002-03年的日本发生过,那时僵尸银行被迫承认他们的坏账,同样的一幕于去年在美国也上演。 ecocn

The big question besides who will live and who will die is what caused the zombie outbreak?
谁死谁活的大问题难道就是导致僵尸爆发的重要原因么? yeeyan

The14- minute clip, in which Jackson turns into a zombie and dances with other undead types, is considered one of the most influential music videos ever made.
在14分钟的片段中,杰克逊变成僵尸,与其它不死的僵尸一起跳舞,该录像带被认为是有史以来最有影响力的音乐录像带之一。 hxen

There are two threads: one assumes that in every time unit, a zombie eats the brains of a human, converting that number to zombies.
有两个线程:其中一个线程假设每隔一定时间,一个僵尸进程就会吃人脑,将该数字转化为僵尸。 ibm

With its pagan roots, the zombie may be the ideal monster for those who do not believe in life after death.
或许对于那些不相信死后重生的人来说,没有宗教信仰的僵尸是非常理想的怪物。 ecocn




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