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zkCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 =z line z线即间板,=zuelzer-kaplan(syndrome) 朱尔泽-卡普兰综合征:血红蛋白c-海洋性贫血 The MVC pattern supported in ZK helps to neatly separate the various application layers. ZK中支持的 MVC模式有助于清晰地分隔各个应用程序层。 ibm The synchronization is done automatically by ZK, which is transparent to the application. 可以通过 ZK自动地执行同步,这些对于应用程序是透明的。 ibm The great advantages of ZK are its tools. ZK的最大优势在于它的工具。 ibm After looking at the screens, I'll describe the architecture of ZK, which is the underlying engine for generating this impressive UI. 检查过这些屏幕之后,我将描述 ZK的架构,它是生成这个出色 UI的底层引擎。 ibm Another neat ZK feature is data binding. 另一个出色的 ZK特性是数据绑定。 ibm Because of all this, ZK is becoming a popular choice for developing low- cost, rich Internet applications. 因此, ZK正逐渐成为开发低成本的富 Internet应用程序的流行选择。 ibm But, before diving into the code, I'll explain a few user interface screens that have been generated using ZK. 但是,在深入代码之前,我将描述几个通过 ZK生成的用户界面屏幕。 ibm First, use ZK’s Grid component with data binding to build the list as shown in Listing10. 首先,使用 ZK的 Grid组件和数据绑定构建列表,参见清单10。 ibm In this article, you explored how to improve your Ajax development in ZK by taking advantage of the merits of both server- and client-side programming. 在本文中,您学习了如何通过利用客户端和服务器端编程的优势在 ZK中改进您的 Ajax开发。 ibm It populates the fields with ZK’s data binding as shown in Listing16. 它通过 ZK的数据绑定填充字段,参见清单16。 ibm Methods To detect the anti- proliferation and the cytotoxicity of CIK cells on ZK-75-1 breast cancer line by MTT assay. 方法应用 MTT法检测 CIK细胞对 ZK-75-1乳腺癌细胞株的抗增殖作用的影响及细胞毒活性; cnki Now that you have looked at a couple of user flows of the sample application, let's jump into the architectural details of ZK. 现在您已经检查了这个示例应用程序的几个用户流,我们现在讨论 ZK的架构细节。 ibm Obtaining and installing ZK is quite easy. 获取和安装 ZK非常简单。 ibm One example is ZK- Studio an Eclipse plug-in, which is used as an integrated development environment. 一个典型的例子就是 ZK- Studio一个 Eclipse插件,它用作一个集成开发环境。 ibm The most powerful feature of ZK is its rich set of control libraries for user interface development. ZK最强大的特性是其丰富的、用于用户界面开发的控件库。 ibm The name space w, for widgets, is a ZK convention. 用于小部件的名称空间 w是一个 ZK协议。 ibm These events invoke the ZK Update Engine, which updates the properties of the ZK components and responds to the Client Engine. 这些事件调用 ZK Update Engine,该引擎更新 ZK组件的属性并响应 Client Engine。 ibm To understand how ZK works, let's look at a real-world example. 为理解 ZK的工作方式,我们来看一个真实示例。 ibm Unlike the previous implementation of Manage Customer, this example used ZK's MVC approach to separate the view from the controller. 与 Manage Customer之前的实现不同,本例使用 ZK MVC方法将视图与控制器独立开来。 ibm A ZK application behaves similar to a desktop application in that the user activities automatically fire events on the server through the Client Engine. ZK应用程序的行为与桌面应用程序类似,因为用户活动通过 Client Engine自动触发服务器上的事件。 ibm The ZK CDI extension integrates the ZK programming model with CDI, allowing seamless development of Java EE6 enterprise applications. ZK CDI集成了 ZK编程模型和 CDI,允许 Java EE6企业应用程序的无缝开发。 ibm The ZK CDI extension has features that let you use CDI within the ZK programming model. ZK CDI扩展具有特性,可让您使用 ZK编程模型中的 CDI。 ibm The ZK framework has a rich set of components, a mark-up language, powerful development tools, and great documentation, along with being open source and an event-driven Ajax framework. ZK框架拥有丰富的组件、一种标记语言、强大的开发工具和详细的文档,而且它是一个以事件驱动的开源 Ajax框架。 ibm The ZK framework has a rich set of components, a mark-up language, powerful development tools, and great documentation. ZK框架具有一组功能丰富的组件、标记语言、功能强大的开发工具以及大量文档。 ibm The ZK framework will receive this event. ZK框架将会接收该事件。 ibm ZK is a direct Ajax implementation—or in other words, a server- centric model. ZK是一个直接 Ajax实现— 或者换句话说,一个以服务器为中心的模型。 ibm ZK-3A Thin Film Packing Machine for Chopsticks This machine is to pack disposable wooden or bamboo chopsticks, one pair in one bag, with rolled thin film, which has been printed, separated and cut. 薄膜筷子包装机是将现成印制分切好的卷筒膜,包装一次性木制或竹制筷子。一双筷子包一个袋子,通过压花,三边封口,切断,完成包装。 ybwang.com ZK Loader: This component generates an HTML page based on a URL that is requested by the client. ZK Loader:这个组件基于客户机请求的 URL生成一个 HTML页面。 ibm |