

单词 zircon
释义 zir·con 英ˈzɜːˌkɒn美ˈzɝˌkɑnAHDzûrʹkŏn' 高COCA⁶²⁹⁶⁴BNC⁶⁶⁴⁶⁶iWeb³¹³³³

a common mineral occurring in small crystals; chief source of zirconium; used as a refractory when opaque and as a gem when transparent来自阿拉伯语 zarqun,朱砂,鲜红色。zircon slurry锆砂粉浆料zircon refractory锆英石耐火材料…zircon sand锆砂,锆英石砂…
近义词 zirconium silicate硅酸锆

用作名词These are high quality whitezircon.这些是质量很好的白色锆石。as in.diamond
同义词 gem,jewel,rhinestoneallotrope,corundum,ice,lozenge,paragon,rhombus,rock,solitairebort,brilliant,jager
diamondnoun gemstone
allotrope,bort,brilliant,corundum,gem,ice,jager,jewel,lozenge,paragon,rhinestone,rhombus,rock,solitaire Besides, these two granites could also be defined by internal structure and chemical composition of accessory minerals, especially zircon.
二者更可从单颗粒矿物特别是锆石的成份和内部结构上加以区分。 cnki

The valuable heavy placer minerals consist of ilmenite, monazite, zircon, and rutile etc, which are mainly distributed in calcareous biological sand in the Beikang, Nankang and Zengmu submarine banks.
重砂矿物为钛铁矿、金红石、锆石、独居石等,主要分布于北康暗沙和南康暗沙一带、曾母暗沙浅滩海域的钙质生物砂中。 cnki

The ash contains minerals such as zircon that can be dated precisely from the radioactive decay of some of their components.
火山灰包含像锆石一类能够通过同位素的放射性衰变来精确确定年份的矿物质。 ecocn

The upper intercept age is the age of relict zircon, while the lower intercept age represents the formation age of diorite-porphyrite.
上交点年龄为残余锆石年龄,下交点年龄大致代表了闪长玢岩的形成时代。 cnki

A high proportion of zircon inclusions are made up of phosphate minerals called apatite, Williams says.
威廉姆斯说,有很大比例的锆石包体是由被称作磷灰石的磷酸盐矿物组成的。 ufochn

Adopting zircon pump as inspiration pump, a static state simulation equipment was designed for vacuum holding.
采用锆泵作为吸气泵,设计出静态保真空模拟实验装置。 cnki

Before that, you can determine the age of zircon from different mountains ranges.
在这以前,你会根据山川的范围程度判断其大致的年龄。 xiaoma

In the CathodoluminescenceCL images the zircons extracted from the dioritic gneiss show good crystal morphology and clear oscillatory zoning, as is the case of magmatic zircon.
在阴极发光图像中,片麻岩中的锆石具有较好的晶形,并显示出清晰的岩浆锆石韵律环带结构。 cnki

In the cathodoluminescence images, the zircons show good crystal morphology and clear oscillatory zoning, as is the case of magmatic zircon.
阴极发光图像中,锆石具有较好的晶形,并显示出清晰的岩浆锆石韵律环带结构。 cnki

In this paper, some new progress through analyzing the shape, composition and chronology of zircon to trace basin source are introduced.
本文结合实例,介绍了目前在综合利用锆石的形态、成分组成及年代学特征进行物源示踪的一些主要进展。 cnki

Mineral sands, such as zircon, sit under a tarpaulin.
油布覆盖着锆石之类矿产。 ecocn

Physical- chemical properties, REE compositions, chondrite pattern and infra-red spectrum characteristics of the zircon from the Zhongteng intrusive of different stages in Fujian have been studied.
对福建省钟腾花岗岩体不同阶段岩石中锆石的物理—化学性质、稀土元素组成及球粒陨石模式、红外光谱特征进行了研究。 cnki

Preparation and performance of water-based zircon powder for flow- coating have been described. This kind of coating has successfully been applied to production of steel castings.
介绍了流涂用水基锆英粉涂料的制备及工艺性能。这种涂料已经成功地应用于铸钢件生产。 cnki

Preparation and performance of water-based zircon powder for flow- coating have been described.
介绍了流涂用水基锆英粉涂料的制备及工艺性能。 cnki

Raman spectrum study indicates that the inclusion minerals show the melting phase feature, and cathodoluminescence images show that this type of zircon has a relatively homogeneous internal structure.
拉曼研究表明包裹体矿物具熔融相特征;阴极发光图像中反映出这种锆石具有相对均一的内部结构。 cnki

Still, Allen Nutman, a geochemist at the University of Wollongong in Australia, says that although the work casts doubt on some zircon inclusions, others may still provide valuable information.
不过,澳大利亚卧龙岗大学的地质化学家艾伦·纳特曼认为,尽管这项研究对部分锆石包体提出怀疑,但其它一些包体仍然可能提供有价值的信息。 yeeyan

Studying on variation of uranium content in zircon makes it clear whether gem radioactivity can be safe for human being.
通过对锆石铀含量变化的研究,探讨了宝石放射性及其对人体是否安全的问题。 chemyq

There is too much money in palm oil, as well as timber, coal, gold, zircon and the forest’s other vegetable and mineral riches.
因为雨林里蕴含着巨大的财富,例如,棕榈油,木材,煤矿,金矿,锆石矿和一些其他植物、矿物质资源。 ecocn

They produce everything from aluminium to zircon, and so are less susceptible to fluctuations in the price of any particular metal.
它们的产品包罗万象,从铝到锆石不一而足,故而不易受到某一种金属价格波动的影响。 ecocn

This paper presents a systematic study on morphology, geochemistry and geochronology of a zircon population from the Danzhu granodiorite located in the southwest region of the Zhejiang province.
本文对浙西南地区淡竹花岗闪长岩中的锆石群进行了形态学、地球化学和年代学的系统研究。 dictall

Zircon in the Langshan granite is of multi- generation.
狼山花岗岩中锆石具有多世代性。 iciba

Zircon starts off as molten magma, the hot lava from volcanoes.
锆石起初被认为是融化的岩浆,是来自火山的滚烫的岩浆。 xiaoma




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