

单词 zipper
释义 zip·per 英ˈzɪpə美ˈzɪpɚAHDzĭpʹər ☆☆☆☆☆高S四八IGCOCA¹⁴¹⁸¹BNC³⁷⁹⁹⁵iWeb⁷⁸²⁶

a fastener for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tab
close with a zipper;

Zip up your jacket--it's cold

注意后缀-er除了可以表示动作的施动者,少数情况下还可以构成动作的承受者,常表示适合……的、值得去……的人或事物。zip拉链zipper model拉链模型zipper chain拉锁zipper conveyor拉链式输送机…
zip使快速移动,快速拉开拉上+p重读闭音节最后一个字母双写+er可被…者→可以快速拉开或拉上的东西⇒拉链。近义词 zip拉链zoom急速上升zip up拉上拉链zip fastener拉链slide fastener拉链

用作名词Thezipperis a wonderful invention.拉链是个了不起的发明。
No, seriously, yourzipper's down.不,认真的,你的拉链开拉。as in.tie
同义词 connection,linkattachment,band,bandage,bond,brace,cord,fastener,fetter,gag,hookup,joint,knot,ligament,ligature,network,nexus,outfit,rope,strap,string,tackle,tie up,tie-in,yoke
tienoun fastening
attachment,band,bandage,bond,brace,connection,cord,fastener,fetter,gag,hookup,joint,knot,ligament,ligature,link,network,nexus,outfit,rope,strap,string,tackle,tie up,tie-in,yoke After all, how many different zipper pulls does the market demand?
比如,市场难道需要很多款不同种类的拉链吗? yeeyan

He did not understand her remark, but later on he happened to look down and saw that his zipper was open.
詹森先生没有明白她的暗示,不过,过了一会,他碰巧的向下一看发现自己的拉链是开的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Just nine days after Dou started work in the zipper factory in April2009, the government announced plans to provide universal access to essential health care to all residents in China by 2020.
2009年4月在窦开始在拉链厂上班后的9天,中国政府宣布了到2020年建立起覆盖全民的基本医疗卫生计划。 who

Masterful1971 rocker Sticky Fingers featured a crotch-shot cover— conceived by Andy Warhol— that boasted a real zipper.
1971年的摇滚杰作《顺手牵羊》拥有一个胯部特写封面---由安迪•沃霍尔构思---自夸是一个真正的拉链。 yeeyan

The future of Wenzhou will now lie in providing services to these less developed areas, argues one button and zipper factory owner.
温州的未来现在就依靠给这些欠发达地区提供服务上了。一名纽扣和拉链工厂主这样说。 yeeyan

“ I want the zipper teeth to show no flap,” he said.
“我想把拉链齿露在外面——不要盖儿,”他说。 edu.sina.com.cn

“ When a man is hit by lightning, ” Tyler says, “ his head burns down to a smoldering baseball and his zipper welds itself shut.”
“当人被闪电击中,”泰勒说,“他的大脑会被闷烧成一个小棒球,他身上的拉链都会被焊接起来。” yeeyan

A man with his zipper down is undignified, and so the famous icon, posed as he is, presents an idealized version of the American worker— his dignity customized, but forever intact.
一个前裆拉链开着的人被视为有损尊严的,同样著名的照片也是如此,他所摆的姿势,代表了理想的美国工人形象——他刻意表现出的尊严,是永远不变的。 yeeyan

Bowknot multi-layer type A skirt, side zipper, black satin lining, multilayer cascade skirt is placed, expend fabrics.
蝴蝶结多层 A型半裙,侧拉链,黑色缎面衬里,多层层叠的裙摆,耗费面料。 smxiangji

Can you fix this broken zipper?
你能修好这坏掉的拉链吗? tingroom

Gas masks were worn. Within days, zipper pulls corroded; camera lenses began disintegrating.
防毒面具消耗得很快;衣服上的拉链在几天之内就会被腐蚀掉;照相机镜头开始碎裂。 yeeyan

It's a good idea to wear a jacket with a zipper for this layer, so that you can regulate your temperature by zipping it up and down.
这件衣服最好是有拉链的,这样你就可以通过拉链来调节体温的高低了。 yeeyan

Japanese artist Yasuhiro Suzuki has created a motorboat designed to look like a giant zipper, which “ opens the sea up” as it travels along, UK media reported.
据英国媒体报道,日本艺术家铃木康広造出了一艘酷似拉链扣的摩托艇,在海上行驶时,拨开的波浪就像拉链将海洋拉开一样。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

No puckering or stretching of fabric when zipper is inserted.
当拉链装上后布料外观不能起皱或拉长。 iciba

Now, it's finally time to add the zipper in. This step is probably the easiest part, in fact.
现在终于到了加上拉链的步骤,这一步其实也是最简单的一步。 blog.sina.com.cn

She touched his hair and then they pulled up the zipper on the body bag and carried him away.
她抚摸着他的头发,之后,他们把他放进死尸袋,拉上拉链,运走。 yeeyan

Suzuki said the boat is modeled after a zipper tab.
康広称,该摩托艇就是仿照拉链扣设计的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Tangle resistant zipper keeps your cables in line and your mind at ease.
防打结拉链保持你的耳机线成一直线,并让你心情舒畅。 yeeyan

The instructor demonstrated the proper way to sew in a zipper.

The zipper ship that is now undergoing tests and evaluation will carry passengers between Takamatsu and Megijima.
该船现在还在进行各项测试与评估,之后,它将搭载乘客在日本高松市和女木岛之间往返。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The ball is sealed with a zipper and floats in a pool or a lake.
这个球用一个拉链封口,漂浮在池子或湖里。 ebigear

The Zipper is made of120 separate zips that can be added, removed or partially undone to create endless possibilities.
该服装由120条独立拉链制成,这些拉链可全部拉上、打开或拉到半截,任由你发挥想象来穿着。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

They should have put a zipper on it.
他们真该放个拉链。 yeeyan

Two-thirds also would tell a peer about an undone zipper, but only half would tell a higher-up, it said.
调查称,另有三分之二的受访者会告诉同事他们忘了拉拉链,但仅有半数的人会告诉上司。 iciba

Well, I don't like it. I want a skirt with a zipper.
嗯,我不喜欢这件。我想要条有拉链的裙子。 tingroom

Your zipper is down.
你的拉链开了。 blog.sina.com.cn




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