

单词 biotech
释义 bi·o·tech 英ˌbaɪəʊˈtek美ˌbaɪoˈtɛkAHDbī'ō-tĕkʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高六COCA¹⁷⁹⁷⁸BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb¹⁵⁸⁵⁸Economist⁹³⁰¹
n.生物科技(=biological technology)

the branch of molecular biology that studies the use of microorganisms to perform specific industrial processes;

biotechnology produced genetically altered bacteria that solved the problem

近义词 biotechnology生物技术

A few small biotech companies believe they may also have answers.
一些小型生物技术公司相信,他们也许已经找到了答案。 yeeyan

In the past year scientists at several small biotech companies have voiced excitement over new drugs in early-stage clinical trials.
过去的几年里,几家小型生物科技公司的科学家发出喜讯,称其新药在早期临床试验中取得成效。 yeeyan

Amgen is the world's largest and most successful biotech company.
安进公司是世界上最大最成功的生物科技公司。 yeeyan

At Wanger Biotech's pavilion, a visitor is showing a keen interest in the company's products.
在望尔生物技术展览馆,一名参观者展现出对这个公司产品的浓厚兴趣。 hxen

But it also laid the groundwork for nearly three decades of growth and the emergence of new sectors like information technology and biotech.
但是它同样为三十年的增长和诸如信息与生物科技这样的新兴产业的涌现打下了坚实的基础。 yeeyan

But there is good reason to think that the fight put up by biotech bosses also has a powerful cultural dimension, too.
但是,人们有理由相信,生物技术公司挑起的这场竞价热潮也有重要的一面:企业文化. ecocn

Cloned livestock are the next frontier in biotech farming.
克隆家畜成为生物技术农业下一个前沿。 yeeyan

Developing countries are emerging as major markets and sources of innovation for industrial biotech.
发展中国家逐渐变成工业生物技术创新的主要市场和资源。 ecocn

EU food and agriculture policies designed to keep out so-called Frankenfoods have continuously thwarted U.S. biotech firms.
欧盟的食品和农业政策旨在抵御所谓的“福来肯食品”,不断阻碍美国生物技术公司。 yeeyan

Glaxo and other drug companies have been paying high prices for biotech companies to bolster their drug pipelines.
葛兰素和其它的药品公司一直在付出较高的价钱以赢得那些生物技术公司对他们的支持. yeeyan

Here, three examples from the developing world show how biotech has been successfully tapped in order to meet the needs of small-scale farmers.
以下发展中世界的三个事例表明,生物技术是如何成功地得到应用,来满足小农的需要。 fao

His is one of two projects that may soon put the first biotech animals on the dinner table.
他的项目是可能很快将第一种生物技术动物送上餐桌的两个项目之一。 ecocn

In January the court ruled in a dispute between two biotech firms that companies which license a patent from its owner may still challenge its legality.
今年一月,对于两家生物科技公司的争议,法院认为即使是在专利权人手中获得的授权,依然有可能违法。 ecocn

One biotech startup in the Midwest has been trying for three years to license a discovery made when some of its founders worked at the NIH.
一家在中西部地区的生物科技新企业三年来一直在尝试为其成立者在国家卫生研究院时期的一项发现申请授权。 yeeyan

Synthetic DNA is, after all, routinely incorporated into living things by academics, by biotech companies, even by schoolchildren.
说到底,合成 DNA每天都在被学术界,被生物科技公司,甚至被小学生植入活体。 ecocn

Unlike the large drugs companies, biotech firms tend to be small start-ups, and they are already seeing funding dry up.
因为与大型制药公司不同,生物技术企业一般处于小规模,刚起步的阶段,它们已经感觉到融资的艰难。 ebigear

Biotech companies will soon perform their own studies to determine whether their genetically modified seeds are safe for the environment, according to a new federal plan.
根据一项新的联邦计划,生物技术公司不久就将开展确定他们的基因改良种子对环境是否安全为目的的研究。 yeeyan




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