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词汇 Zionism
释义 Zi·on·ism 英ˈzaɪəˌnɪzəm美ˈzaɪəˌnɪzəmAHDzīʹə-nĭz'əm ☆☆☆☆☆高八iWeb²²⁷³⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
a policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestinea movement of world Jewry that arose late in the 19th century with the aim of creating a Jewish state in PalestineZion,锡安,-ism,主义,即犹太人要求重归耶路撒冷建立国家的主义和诉求。 Zion来自希伯来语Tsiyon,耶路撒冷的一个迦南要塞,犹太人的精神家园,在圣经中为 “City ofDavid”,同时为耶路撒冷的别名。 ism来自后缀-ism,主义,思想,制度,词源同Marxism, socialism, capitalism。iso-等,同来自希腊语isos,等同,相等,对应拉丁语equi-。Zion-ism学|术|症|法⇒n.犹太复国主义近义词 Zionist movement犹太复国主义运动…

用作名词Occupation was never a part ofZionism's agenda.职业从来就不是一个犹太复国主义的议程的一部分。
Can there ever be peace betweenZionismand Islam?犹太复国主义和伊斯兰之间究竟是否存在和平? The century-long conflict between Zionism and the Arabs of Palestine has been hard enough to settle on its own, without additional global and regional rivalries superimposed.
犹太复国主义同巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人之间长达一个世纪的冲突,即使没有国际力量同地区势力加诸其上的敌对竞争,单凭他们自己已经难以解决。 ecocn

The duality of Zionism may just value it as the national liberation movement on the one hand, and as narrow national element.
犹太复国主义具有两重性:它既是犹太民族的解放运动;也有狭隘的民族主义成分。 iciba

As a nationalist movement, pan-Turkism’s rise and heyday coincided with similar ideologies in19th and20th century Europe, such as Pan- Germanism, Pan- Slavism and even Zionism.
作为一种民族主义运动,泛突厥主义和19世纪和20世纪欧洲的类似思潮——比如:泛德国主义、泛斯拉夫主义、以及犹太复国主义——几乎同时崛起和兴旺。 yeeyan

Before the Cold War, the theory and practice of independence between the Congress Party and Zionism is different.
冷战之前印度国大党与犹太复国主义在建国的理念与实践上截然不同。 cnki

Brandeis was never a practising Jew, but he was a passionate convert to Zionism.
布兰迪斯从来就没有信奉犹太教,但他却热情洋溢地使自己转变为犹太复国主义者。 ecocn

But if young American Jews really do turn away from Zionism, or are turned off by it, everything could one day change.
但是如果年轻的美国犹太裔真的渐行渐远甚至完全抛弃犹太复国主义,那么一切又将瞬间天翻地覆。 ecocn

Even the Jewish Agency, a bastion of traditional Zionism, is changing tack.
甚至连传统的犹太复国运动的堡垒“犹太代办处”也在更变方针。 ecocn

For Israelis, territorial concessions have provoked more terrorism; for Palestinians, coming to terms with Zionism has led to more stifling occupation and the expansion of Jewish settlements.
对于以色列人而言,在领土问题上的让步只是激起了更多的恐怖活动;对巴勒斯坦人来说,与锡安主义达成协议已经导致更为令人窒息的占领以及犹太定居点的扩张。 ecocn

He says that a Zionism that emphasises Jewish victimhood and allows no empathy for the Palestinians is losing its resonance with younger Jews.
他还说,犹太复国主义强调牺牲并且允许冷酷对待巴勒斯坦人,这已经无法引起犹太年轻人们的共鸣。 ecocn

In Israel’s early life Zionism was a mainly secular movement and the dominant force on the other side was a secular Arab nationalism.
在早期的以色列,犹太复国主义是世俗化运动的主要力量,而另一边的主导力量则是世俗化的阿拉伯民族主义。 yeeyan

In the second scenario, Israel has only half the world's Jews, their majority in Israel itself is down to twothirds and shrinking, and “ Zionism” has become a term of ridicule among the young.
在第二种情景中,世界上只有一半的犹太人还居住在以色列,以色列本国的犹太人口占总人数的比例下降到2/3,并呈进一步收缩的趋势。 而在年轻一代的心中,“犹太复国主义”已经沦为一个笑柄。 ecocn

Israel's enemies brand him a war criminal who personifies the sins they consider inherent in Zionism.
以色列的敌人给他贴上了战争犯的标签,视他为犹太复国主义一切罪过的化身。 ecocn

So there are between either of these and for instance Scottish nationalism, Zionism, Antisemitism or Trotskyism.
在两者之间又有诸如苏格兰民族主义、犹太复国主义、反犹主义和托洛茨基主义。 yeeyan

That is a vengeful and vicious calumny against Zionism… However, I do believe that the South African experience needs to be studied.
是对犹太复国主义的报复性恶毒中伤。 ……然而,我确实相信南非经验值得去借鉴。 ecocn

That gave religious Zionism new credibility.
于是,这给虔诚的犹太复国主义者带来了新的确实性。 ecocn

The second world war is to be used to ferment the controversy between fascism and political zionism with the slaughter of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people.
第二场世界大战将被用来煽动法西斯主义和政治性犹太复国主义之间的争执,以在德国对犹太人们的屠杀为带来对德国人民的仇恨的一个关键。 kdnet

The young Lev Bronstein later Leon Trotsky, Isaac Babel, a writer, and Vladimir Jabotinsky, one of the fathers of modern Zionism, were among laterémigrés.
青年列弗•布朗斯坦后来叫里昂•托洛茨基、作家艾萨克•巴别塔、犹太复国运动奠基人之一弗拉基米尔是这座城市后来的流亡者。 ecocn

who used to be wary of Zionism but are ever more pro- settler, and secular nationalists, many of whom immigrated from the debris of the Soviet Union and share with the settlers a dislike of Arabs.
大多移民自残破的苏联,他们谨慎对待犹太复国主义,而对早期定居者和世俗民族主义者更甚,但也分担了阿拉伯人对定居者的厌恶。 ecocn

Zionism is the name of the national movement of the Jewish people and is the modern expression of the ancient Jewish heritage.




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