

单词 zinfandel
释义 Zin·fan·del 英ˈzɪnfənˌdel美ˈzɪnfənˌdɛlAHDzĭnʹfən-dĕl' 高COCA⁵⁶⁰⁶⁷BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁴⁵⁸¹⁵

small black grape grown chiefly in California; transplanted from Europedry fruity red wine from California
用作名词The wine agent may now attempt to provide information concerningzinfandelin general or Marietta Zinfandel in particular.葡萄酒主体现在就可能尝试要提供关于馨芳葡萄酒的通用信息或者玛丽埃塔馨芳葡萄酒的特定信息。 A Central California rancher uses drip irrigation to grow zinfandel wine grapes on a rocky hillside that was formerly unusable.
加州中心农场主使用滴灌种植山坡上的岩石是以前不能使用的增芳德葡萄酒的葡萄。 cfli

Collage wines illustrate that by combining two grape varieties. Enjoy the ripe berry flavors of Zinfandel enhanced by the spice and blackberry characters of Shiraz.
酒园的酒包含两种葡萄品种,带有香料和黑醋栗味道的西拉增强了仙芬黛成熟浆果味道。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Zinfandel juice is fermented at cool temperatures in stainless steel tanks, blended until medium sweet, and then enhanced with natural strawberry flavors.
白仙粉黛的鲜汁被放在不锈钢槽中的凉爽温度下进行发酵,混酿成为中等甜度, 在草莓天然口味的点缀之下愈发妙不可言。 souwine

Bitter red wines include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Zinfandel and Syrah.

Cutler Crest Zinfandel is a harmonious red wine with a deep ruby colour, with flavours of cherries and raspberries and a hint of cinnamon and oaks vanilla.
科特勒仙芬黛是一款非常和谐的深宝石红的酒,富有殷桃,覆盆子,和一丝肉桂和橡木味的香草的芳香。 sourcelandwines

Food Recommendation: The intense, bold fruit flavors and rich tannins make this Zinfandel a perfect choice to serve with pizza, grilled steak, lasagna or braised lamb shanks.
配餐建议:浓郁的果香和浑厚的单宁让这支仙粉黛与烤牛排,炖羊蹄,意式千层面和比萨饼都相得益彰。 hongjiu365

Garnet red in color, this Zinfandel expresses the forward red fruit profile of raspberry and boysenberry followed by nuances of black pepper, and allspice.
呈紫红色,这款仙粉黛散发出覆盆子和草莓等红色水果的香气及淡淡的黑胡椒和多香果的气息。 www.chinaagt.com.cn

If you want to impress your date, pull up Hello Vino to make it look like you know whether to order a zinfandel or a malbec.
如果你想让你的假期留下深刻印象,开一瓶好的红酒能看出来你是否懂得如何定一瓶馨芳葡萄酒或是马尔贝克葡萄酒。 yeeyan

Of course, there are some combinations that work particularly well together, like poached salmon and a creamy Chardonnay or a hearty pasta with a robust Zinfandel.
当然,有些特别很好搭配组合,象水煮的三文鱼和乳脂状和霞多丽或者一个热面团与浓烈的珍芳德。 winefond

Our first release zinfandel is an intense and passionate canvas for whatever lies ahead.
当第一次邂逅金粉黛,强烈,热情会是你最好的诠释。 junxiangwine

Plum, raspberry and blackberry flavors are supported with solid tannins in this rustic Zinfandel.
这款乡村气息十足的仙芬黛蕴含洋李、覆盆子和黑霉的味道,单宁稳固。 globalwineshkg.com

Soft and smooth, this Zinfandel offers aromas of plum and cherry with just a hint of pepper and spice.
口感柔和顺滑,梨子和樱桃的芳香中透出胡椒和香料香。 wines-info

This salmon- colored White Zinfandel is made in a light bodied, easy to drink style.
呈现三文鱼色调,是一款新鲜、清爽风格的桃红酒,适合年轻时饮用。 laseinehotel.com

This is a plump, layered Zinfandel with complex black cherry, raspberry, and black pepper flavors that unfold on the palate.
此酒呈紫红色泽,层次丰富,蕴含复杂的黑樱桃、山莓与黑胡椒口味。 globalwineshkg

Zinfandel had a long hang time with the wines showing blackberry fruit. We are very pleased with the vintage.
在我们葡萄指定的葡萄酒中,我们品尝到了都结构丰富的味道醇美含粉状丹宁的葡萄酒。 blog.sina.com.cn




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