

单词 biosynthetic
释义 bi·o·syn·thet·ic 英,baɪosɪn'θɛtɪk美,baɪosɪn'θɛtɪk COCA¹⁶⁰⁰⁵¹BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb³²⁴²⁷

of or relating to biosynthesisbiosynthetic pathway生物合成途径…
用作形容词Many of the cellularbiosyntheticpathways were first elucidated.首次阐明了许多细胞内生物合成的途径。
The aglycone portion may come from any, or from a combination, of thebiosyntheticpathways.配基部分可以来自一个或几个生物合成途径。 Cosynthesis results of blocked mutants elucidated the relationship of the blocked sites of the mutants and the relative position of above compounds in the biosynthetic pathway of apramycin.
阻断变株共合成实验结果明确了各阻断变株阻断位点间的关系及上述中间体在安普霉素生物合成中的衍生次序。 dictall

Engineering of plant secondary metabolism is feasible nowadays, it is a hot spot in this field, and it requires knowledge of the biosynthetic pathways involved.
许多药物来源于植物次生代谢途径,运用细胞培养生产药用代谢物是一种很有效的方法。 dictall

The purpose of this paper is to review citrinin's physicochemical properties, toxicity, inhibiting bacteria activity, analytical methods, biosynthetic pathway, gene clone, etc.
本文介绍了红曲霉桔霉素的理化性质、毒性、抑菌性、检测方法、生物合成途径及基因克隆等内容。 chemyq

With the same biosynthetic peptide vaccine, the immune effects on guinea pig and swine are in agreement.
同一多肽苗在豚鼠与猪之间的免疫效果具有一致性。 cnki

At present, the biosynthetic regulation of PCs and its mechanism of detoxification has attracted extensive attention from the molecular biology and contaminated ecology.
目前,有关植物螯合肽的生物合成及解毒机制已成为分子生物学和污染生态学领域的研究热点。 cnki

At present, the research of terpenoid biosynthetic pathway and control of key enzymes have become a hot point in biology filed.
植物类萜生物合成途径的调控以及该途径中关键酶的研究已成为目前国内外生物学领域的一大热点。 cnki

Many of the cellular biosynthetic pathways were first elucidated.
首次阐明了许多细胞内生物合成的途径。 bab

Methods Conventional plant tissue culture technology was applied to regulate the biosynthetic metabolism of secondary metabolism product, artemisinin of A. annul.
方法把常规的植物组织培养技术应用于调控青蒿中次生代谢产物青蒿素的生物合成代谢。 cnki

Sphingomyelin synthase SMS, the last key enzyme in the sphingomyelin SM biosynthetic pathway, uses ceramide and phosphatidylcholine PC as substrates to produce SM and diacylglycerolDAG.
鞘磷脂合酶是催化鞘磷脂生物合成的最后一步的关键酶,它以神经酰胺和卵磷脂为底物,催化形成鞘磷脂和甘油二酯。 dictall

The present invention provides methods of synthesizing cellulose in the storage tissue of transgenic plants by introducing the cellulose biosynthetic enzymes into the storage tissue.

The recent advances in biodegradable polymers for medical applications were reviewed according chemical synthetic, biosynthetic and natural polymers respectively.
对目前医用可生物降解高分予材料的研究及应用状况分化学合成、天然和生物技术合成三类作了综述。 cnki

These cues, which control GA signal intensity via regulating the expression of genes encoding GA biosynthetic enzymes, influence many aspects of plant growth and development.
这些因素通过影响 GA合成中不同环节相关酶类的表达,对 GA信号强度进行调节,从而对植物生长发育的各个方面产生影响。 cnki

These results will be useful in understanding blue pigment biosynthetic pathway in details, and in cloning genes responsible for blue pigmentation in aleurone layer of blue grained wheat.
以上结果为全面揭示蓝粒小麦籽粒糊粉层色素生物合成途径以及克隆蓝粒基因提供参考。 cnki

This paper summarizes the secretor, species specificity, biological significance, biosynthetic pathway and application in termite control of the phagostimulating pheromone in termites.
该文概述了白蚁诱食信息素的分泌器官、种特异性、生物学意义、生物合成途径及其在白蚁防治中的应用等方面的研究进展。 www.insect.org.cn

This paper introduces the current status and development tendency of the research and production of erythritol, and discusses the biosynthetic pathway of erythritol produced by an osmophilic yeast.
现介绍赤藓糖醇的生产和研究现状,耐高渗酵母赤藓糖醇的合成途径和赤藓糖醇的应用,并对其研究和发展提出看法。 dictall

Two or more biosynthetic pathways may coexist in a single cell.
在同一细胞中可能同时存在两条或更多条生物合成途径。 dictall

With some key enzymes being cloned in the TIAs biosynthetic pathway, it is possible to produce the alkaloids in the plant cell by the metabolic engineering.
随着萜类吲哚生物碱代谢途径中一些关键酶基因被克隆,使得利用代谢工程在植物细胞中生产这些生物碱成为可能。 cnki

Biosynthetic pathway of melanin and the role of micro organs in melanocytes were shown.
表明了黑色素的生物合成途径和微小生物体在色素细胞方面的作用。 chemyq




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