

单词 biospheres
释义 biospheres 'baɪəʊsfɪə COCA¹³⁵¹⁷⁷BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
n.生物圈原型biosphere的复数 According to Tolec, the Andromeda Council has a number of“ biospheres” or large planetoid- like spherical spacecraft stationed around Earth.
据 Tolec说,仙女座议会的“生态圈”是一种类似小行星大小的绕地球飞行的球形飞船。 blog.sina.com.cn

From the bottom to the top, there are different biospheres, such as alpine prairies, alpine forests, meadows, glaciers and permanent snow.
由下而上包括了山地草原带、 山地森林带、草甸带、冰川恒雪带等等不同的生态圈。 blog.sina.com.cn

I can only hope Mee was joking when he suggested building“ biospheres on the moon, stocked with tigers, safe from poaching”.
我只是希望梅伊在建议建造“在月球上建造生物圈,储备着老虎,禁止偷猎”时是在开玩笑。 yeeyan

Only one other biosphere, in Japan, has been built, making biospheres a tool essentially abandoned by science.
只有日本建造的另一个生物圈,把生物圈建成了实际上不受科学限制的一个研究工具。 yeeyan

While you're there, take the short flight to the Galapagos to check out one of the best- preserved biospheres on the planet.
如果你去那里,可要乘短途飞机到加拉帕戈斯群岛,去看看世界上保留最好的生态保护区。 hjenglish




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