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词汇 Zimbabweans
释义 Zimbabweans zɪmˈbɑːbwɪənz Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
n.津巴布韦人原型zimbabwean的复数 And what we want to see is true substantive power- sharing negotiations so that they can agree on a cabinet, and so that Zimbabweans can feel that they have a future.
我们希望看到的是真正深入的权力分享谈判,这样双方能够在内阁人选上达成协议,而津巴布韦人民也能觉得他们的未来是有指望的。 iciba

It all plays into the Zimbabweans' belief they live in a version of George Orwell's Animal Farm, where some animals are more equal than others.
在津巴布韦人们的心里,他们相信,他们生活在乔治·奥威尔的“动物庄园”里,因为,在那里,有些动物比其它动物更加平等。 yeeyan

The new government, if it ever gets going, may well be no better for Zimbabweans than the previous one was.
对津巴布韦人来说,新政府——如果能够开始运作——比前一个也好不到哪儿去。 ecocn

The exodus of Zimbabweans abroad, especially to South Africa, has yet to be stemmed, though nearly420,000 people have been helped to return this year.
虽然对于人们大批地离开津巴布韦,去往国外尤其是南非这一现象,并未受阻,但今年近42万民众已被遣送回国。 ecocn

With 80% unemployment, inflation that could now be over10, 000%, and severe shortages of the most basic goods, many Zimbabweans may disagree.
津巴布韦出现百分之八十的失业率,通货膨胀率目前也超过了百分之一万,基本生活消费品也严重短缺,许多津巴人可能会感到不适应在本国生活。 ecocn

A significant number of Zimbabweans have got genuine international protection needs.
大量津巴布韦人真正需要国际援助。 kekenet

Already, tens of thousands of Zimbabweans have been uprooted from their homes and85 people have died in election violence, human rights groups say.
人权组织说,目前已经有数万名津巴布韦人被迫流离失所,85人丧身于选举的暴力。 hxen

Another UN agency, the World Food Programme, reckons that4m Zimbabweans—about one- third of the population— will need food aid by the beginning of next year.
另一个叫做世界食物项目组织的联合国机构主张,四百万津巴人其人口数的三分之一将于明年初需要食物援助。 ecocn

But for most Zimbabweans, the news they want to hear is the tally in the presidential poll.
但是,对于大部分津巴布韦人来说,他们希望听到的消息是总统选举的点票结果。 ebigear

Conditions remained miserable for most Zimbabweans; inflation officially ran at hundreds of millions per cent and cholera swept the country.
津巴布韦绝大多数人民的境况十分悲惨,官方公布的通胀率达百分之几亿,而且霍乱横行全国。 ecocn

Humanitarian aid should continue to flow to those United Nations agencies and NGOs that are directly helping millions of desperately poor and cholera- infected ordinary Zimbabweans.
人道主义援助应该继续流向联合国相关机构和非政府组织,他们正在帮助数百万陷入绝望的津巴布韦穷人和受霍乱感染的普通人。 ecocn

In a string of fine cameos, Mr Godwin movingly portrays Mr Bennett, Mr Tsvangirai and a host of other brave Zimbabweans.
古德温先生用很多精彩的片段,感人至深地描绘了内尼特先生、茨万吉拉伊先生以及其他许多颇有胆魄的津巴布韦人。 ecocn

Many people survive thanks to the black market and money or food sent by the3m or so Zimbabweans who have left the country.
许多人靠黑市谋生或靠三百万离家在外的津巴布韦人寄来的钱和食物维持生计。 ecocn

Many— perhaps most— perceptive Zimbabweans think such a prospect fanciful.
很多或者说大多数有见地的津巴布韦人都认为这样的前景是空想。 ecocn

Many Zimbabweans say they will go back if things improve at home.
许多津巴布韦人讲道,如果国内的情况有所改善,他们是愿意回国的。 ecocn

Most Zimbabweans do not want to be ruled by it any more.
绝大多数津巴布韦人不希望被这样的政党所领导! ecocn

Mr Tsvangirai said he could no longer ask Zimbabweans to cast their vote“ when that vote could cost them their lives”.
茨万吉拉伊先生声称,“当投票可能危急投票人生命的时候”,他不会再要求津巴布韦人民去投票。 ecocn

Now, though many— perhaps most— Zimbabweans are still on the breadline and 80% have no jobs, at least those in work can predict their income.
现在,即便很多,也许是大多数津巴布韦人仍旧在排队领面包,80%的人没有工作,但是至少那些有工作的能预见自己的收入。 ecocn

The UN refugee agency is urging South African authorities to suspend deportation of Zimbabweans and to allow them to regularize their stay in South Africa.
联合国难民事务高级专员公署敦促南非当局停止驱逐津巴布韦人,并允许他们合法居住在南非。 ebigear

The United Nations estimates that four million Zimbabweans will need food handouts by next year.
联合国预计明年将有四百万津巴布韦人需要食品供应。 ecocn

The Zimbabwean government Friday said it was lifting a three-month ban on private humanitarian organizations that had been providing food, health care and other aid to millions of Zimbabweans.
津巴布韦政府星期五说,准备解除3个月以来禁止民间人道救援组织向津巴布韦民众提供食品、医疗照顾等各种援助的禁令。 ebigear

UNHCR spokeswoman Jennifer Pagonis says Zimbabweans seeking asylum should not be sent home.
联合国难民署发言人帕戈尼斯说,寻求避难的津巴布韦人不应该被遣送回家。 ebigear

We must think of the55% of Zimbabweans younger than15.
我们必须考虑到百分之55的津巴布韦人都不到15岁。 ecocn




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