释义 |
zigui 基本例句 n.秭归 The academia thinks the hometown of Qu Yuan is in Zigui.学术界存在着屈原故里在秭归一说。 Eleven-fifteen brings us to Zigui, said to be the home of the poet Qu Yuan.据袁崧《宜都山川记》载:秭归是屈原故乡,是楚王子熊泽建国之地。 QuYuan was a well-known patriotic poet in ancient China. He was born in Zigui county.屈原是中国古代著名的爱国诗人,他生在秭归县。 An hour away in the county seat, Zigui City, officials are facing a new wave of relocations.在1小时路程外的秭归县新县城,政府官员们面临着新一轮的重新安置问题。 The Three Gorges Reservoir within western Huhei includes four cities of Zigui, Xingshan, Badong, and Yiling.摘要鄂西三峡地区包括秭归、兴山、巴东、夷陵四县区。 |