

单词 Zhuhai
释义 Zhuhai ˈdʒu:ˈhai Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
From my experience last week visiting Zhuhai, neighboring Macau, this is hardly needed, as property development looks to have accelerated in recent months.
上周,我去紧邻澳门的珠海考察的时候,那里还是有刚性需求,近几个月来珠海的房地产市场看起来又有所增长。 yeeyan

It makes no difference to us to change the loading port from Shantou to Zhuhai.
将装运港由汕头改为珠海对我们来说问题不大。 edu.21cn.com

Li Xiaoming is27 and works on an assembly line at Flextronics, the Nasdaq- listed electronics producer, in the southern manufacturing hub of Zhuhai.
在南方的制造产业重镇珠海,27岁的李晓明在纳斯达克上市公司伟创力的流水线工作。 yeeyan

Nangka will move northwards at15-20 kmph and is expected to land in the coastal areas between Zhuhai and Huilai in Guangdong on Friday night or Saturday morning. It will weaken rapidly after landing.
预计风暴将以每小时15-20公里的速度向北移动,于今天夜间到明天上午在广东惠来到珠海一带沿海登陆,登陆后迅速减弱。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Stretching from Guangzhou to Shenzhen, the as-yet unnamed megasprawl will also include Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Huizhou, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, Dongguan, and Foshan.
这个尚未命名的超级都市从广州一直到深圳,还包括中山、珠海、惠州、江门、肇庆、东莞和佛山。 yeeyan

The company equips its boats with imported generators and other equipment but benefits from lower labor costs at its shipyard in Zhuhai, just over the border from Macau.
他生产的游艇配备了进口发电机和其他进口配件,但因珠海本地的劳动力成本很低,所以有价格优势。 yeeyan

The first principle of the Zhuhai Declaration—the recognition of interdependence— reinforces the need to work in global harmony.
《珠海宣言》的第一条原则就是承认相互依存,重申了全球和谐与合作的必要性。 worldbank

China's unprecedented display of military hardware at the country's airshow in Zhuhai was a warning to industry rivals of its global ambitions as a defence manufacturer, analysts said, AFP reported.
法新报道,分析家称,中国在珠海航展上史无前例地展示了其军事硬件装备,并向行业竞争对手宣示了中国欲成为全球国防装备制造工厂的勃勃雄心。 www.i21st.cn

Chinese officials visited the huge Russian defence displays at Zhuhai, and asked detailed questions about the new Sukhoi-35 fighter, which made its maiden voyage this year.
中国官员参观了在珠海参观了巨大的俄罗斯国防展台,并对今年首飞的新型苏-35型战斗机进行了详细询问。 www.i21st.cn

I feel privileged to be here today, and to represent the World Bank at this historic presentation of the Zhuhai Declaration on World Economic Development.
我感到很荣幸来到这里,代表世界银行出席具有历史意义的世界经济发展宣言珠海会议。 worldbank

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate the importance of the principles presented in the Zhuhai Declaration, which identifies a sound set of guidelines for future development policy.
最后,我想重申一下《珠海宣言》所提出的原则的重要性,这些原则全面地总结了今后发展政策的方针。 worldbank

In June, officials made an example of Zhuhai Publishing House, a small state-owned company, by abruptly shutting it down.
六月的时候,官方拿珠海出版社做了个样子,这是个小型官方出版社,被强制关闭。 yeeyan

Some top non-State companies exchanged views on their “ go global” strategies in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, over the weekend.
一些民营企业高层上周六在广东珠海就“走出去”战略交换了意见。 news.365future.com

State-owned carriers China Airlines, China Southern and China Eastern are expected to announce orders for the C919 at Airshow China, which kicks off Monday in Zhuhai, a seaside city near Macao.
国有航空公司中国航空公司,中国南方和东方航空公司,预计将在澳门附近滨城珠海航展上宣布 C919订单,该展出周一揭幕。 yeeyan

The southern city of Zhuhai last week implemented a cap on the prices developers can charge for new housing, a temporary move that emphasizes the pressures officials face to cool the housing market.
中国南方城市珠海在上周对新开楼盘实行了最高限价,这个临时举措显示出了政府官员所面临的给房地产市场降温的巨大压力。 yeeyan

The20-something girl from Zhuhai, in southern Guangdong province, went to hospital completely deaf in her left ear, the China Daily said, citing a report in a local newspaper.
中国日报引当地报纸的报道说:这位20岁左右的女孩来自广东省南部城市珠海,到医院的时候她的左耳已经完全聋了。 yeeyan




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