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ZhongshuCOCA¹⁸⁵⁰⁶¹ 基本例句 中枢¹⁰⁰ Dong- Zhongshu and Sima-Qian were two outstanding thinkers of the period of Hanwu Emperor. 董仲舒和司马迁是汉武帝时期涌现出的两位杰出的思想家。 cnki Dong Zhongshu's “Shibuyufu” was one of the representative works of the political lyrics in Han Dynast. 董仲舒的《士不遇赋》,是汉代政治抒情诗的代表作之一。 dictall Dong Zhongshu's three historical explanations, which originate from the thoughts of Confucius and Mencius, etc. 董仲舒的历史解释活动中包含着三大模式:配景模式、合理性解释模式和法则解释模式。 cnki It is positive to the contemporary construction of ethics in our country to review the ethical and political thought of Dong Zhongshu, with the reference to communitarianism's critique of liberalism. 以社群主义对自由主义的批判为参照系,对董仲舒的伦理政治思想进行审视,对于我国当代的道德建设,具有一定的积极意义。 cnki The body-management mode of thought of Dong Zhongshu traces back to ancient necromancy and the thoughts of Huangdi and Laozi. 董仲舒的治身观念来源于上古方术及黄老思想,是对经典儒学养身思想的有效补充。 dictall The novel Fortress Besieged represents Qian Zhongshu's greatest literary understanding of existentialism philosophy. 小说《围城》是钱钟书对存在主义哲学的最高文学领悟。 cnki The Way of ZhongShu is both a principle of communication and a principle of limitation. 忠恕之道,既是一沟通原则,又是一限制原则。 dictall The Zhongshu Dong's Concept on Monarch plays a very important roles in the Chinese political thinking history. 董仲舒的君主观念在中国政治思想史上占有十分重要的地位。 cnki Accordingly, we could somewhat find stamps of Hume's philosophy when we investigate the philosophical standpoints of Qian Zhongshu's early academic research. 因而,青年钱钟书的学术研究的哲学倾向已打上了某种休谟哲学的印记。 cnki Both Chen Yinque and Qian Zhongshu are rare academic masters and cultural giants in20superscript th century China. 陈寅恪与钱钟书同为中国20世纪罕见的学术大师和文化巨人。 bioon Dong Zhongshu's ethical and political thought is similar to communitarianism in some aspects. 董仲舒的伦理政治思想与社群主义有很多相似之处。 cnki Emperor Wudi was impressed by Dong Zhongshu's theories, and filled his administration with Confucian scholars. 汉武帝采纳了董仲舒的学说,汉朝政府里就有许多信奉儒家思想的人做了大官。 chinese For this, Chinese famous writer Qian Zhongshu had an excellent moment. 对此,中国著名作家钱钟书先生有一个绝妙的评语。 hotdic Fortress Besieged is a unique contribution to modern Chinese literature by famous scholar Qian Zhongshu. It is a masterpiece of super language art. 《围城》是著名学者钱钟书对中国现代文学的独特贡献,是一部语言艺术高超的杰作。 blog.sina.com.cn From his novel and short stories, we can find Qian Zhongshu's existential ideology and modern style. 从他的作品中我们不难看出存在主义的观念及现代特征和风格。 cnki In one of his masterpieces Limited Views of Ideas and Letters Qian Zhongshu adopted the method of comparison in expounding some ancient Chinese literary works and Shakespeare's poetry and plays. 钱钟书在《管锥编》中以比较的方法,对一些中国古代学人的诗文和莎士比亚剧中、诗中的许多内容进行了议论。 cnki In terms of the core content, Dong Zhongshu s idea of the integration of humans and nature is a very practical ideology, which cannot be considered theological ideology. 以核心内容来讲,董仲舒的天人思想是一种非常现实的政治思想,而不能把它看作是神学思想。 biodic It is also found that, influenced by western culture, Qian Zhongshu intersperses his novel with lots of metaphors familiar to westerners. 同时,也发现由于钱钟书曾受西方文化的熏陶,小说中掺杂了许多西方人耳闻能祥的比喻。 cnki Its unique “ Qian Zhongshu Metaphors” with jewelled words and classic sentences presents us a rich and varied Metaphor Spectacle with profound meaning and ironic humor. 那独具特色的“钱钟书式比喻”可谓字字珠玑、句句经典,给我们展现了丰富多彩、意蕴深刻幽默讽刺的比喻奇观。 blog.sina.com.cn Qian Zhongshu's principle of “ transmigration”, which inherits the traditional aesthetic thought, is based on the traditional translation theories. 钱钟书的化境说建立在中国传统译论基础之上,同时深受中国传统美学思想的滋养。 dictall The first part tells the background of Dong Zhongshu's legal thought before its forming. 第一部分“董仲舒法律思想产生的历史背景”又分为三小部分。 cnki The reason of transmutation is not only the objective condition of political unity, but also the result of self choice of Confucian scholars head by Dong Zhongshu. 这既是政治统一的客观条件使然,也是以董仲舒为代表的儒生自我选择的结果。 cnki We can realize its religiousness through significance of the sacrifice explained by Confucian Dong Zhongshu. 从儒家董仲舒所讲的祭祀意义可以体会到其中的宗教性。 cnki |