

单词 zhe
释义 zhe 英'e美'e COCA²¹³⁴⁸⁵BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
But When I find it, I evaded the Tie Zhe battalion, before I use it.
好不容易找到了,在快到正确使用雨石的地方前,碰上了铁哲军的追杀。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the area of Jiang, Zhe, Hu, the oldest abbot of Hangzhou Lingyin Temple— Master Muyu was on the priority of the visit agenda.
首先准备拜访的是江、浙、沪三地年龄最长的杭州灵隐寺方丈木鱼大师。 yeeyan

River the Zhi orchid heart Shu ground a tight, it is at cloud Zhe, she really owes him too many.

“ Zhe Teng” is a transliteration from Manchu language, and means to meet trouble, to toss and turn or to repeat some meaningless, unnecessary actions.
“折腾”来源于满语的音译。意思是自寻烦恼,翻来倒去,有时候指重复做一些没意义、关系不大或者不必要的事情。 chinese

But after shaking hands, he completely changed, basically could not see my reflection on water in eyes, but there is a Zhe person's vision in deep eyes.
但是握手之后,他就完全变了,眼睛里根本看不到我的倒影,而是深邃的眼睛里有一股慑人的目光。 mcncc

Cloud Zhe thanks you.

Despite being promised he could have a work visa organised, Li Zhe has failed to deliver and Ming will have to extend his visitor visa again.
尽管之前李哲承诺过一定给明办工作签证,但他始终没能办好,明必须再次延期旅游签证。 iciba

Excitement, even Zhe Rui ·thunder Mr. En all feel that the heart palpitates speeds.
兴奋,连哲瑞·雷恩先生都觉得心跳加快起来。 happyaliceedu

Happy Boys' Chengdu division spokesman Zhao Zhe said: “Liu does not have any psychological burden about his identity, but like every other competitor, he too is under great pressure to perform.”
《快乐男声》成都赛区发言人表示:“对于自己的身份他并未产生任何心理负担,但就像其他参赛者一样,在表演的同时他也承受着巨大压力。” iciba

However Wen tries, Zhe never talks to her anymore.
不管文怎么努力,哲都不再理她。 blog.sina.com.cn

However Wen tries, Zhe never talks to her anymore.
不管纹怎麽努力,哲都不再理她。 edu.people.com.cn

Sun Zhe, the editor-in-chief of Grazia in China, said that the version would have the “sophistication of a monthly and the speed of a weekly”.
《红秀》 Grazia在华总编孙哲音译表示,该版本将实现“周的速度,月的深度” 。 yeeyan

Then, Tu Lang went over to Tie Zhe, It's very strong, the old sheikh often cart a lot of treasure away.
之后突狼就投靠了铁哲,奇怪的是从此老头经常把大量的财宝偷偷运出去。 blog.sina.com.cn

Watching Wen in her sleep, Zhe stays wide awake that night, he knowns that Wen will be the one if things go on like this.
看着文熟睡的脸,哲一夜未眠,他明白,照此下去,文肯定难逃一劫。 blog.sina.com.cn

Zhejiang province is briefly named as Zhe, with the Hangzhou as its provincial seat.
浙江省简称浙,省会城市是杭州。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Zhe Liang damn how the car has not yet come?
这辆该死的车怎么还没有来呢? dota123

Zhe: What do you think an organization like IACMR can do for Chinese management?
喆:您认为像 IACMR这样的组织能为中国管理提供哪些帮助? iacmr

Zhe is taken away from Wen forever.
哲被永远地带走了。 edu.sina.com.cn




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