释义 |
Zhangshu City 基本例句 樟树市 June 14,Zhangshu CityBranch of the Trade and Industry Bureau Fu Cheong venture staff members sent to the business license free of charge.6月14日,樟树市工商局昌傅分局工作人员为创业人员送上免费办理的营业执照。 Soap Hill Club inZhangshu City20 kilometers southeast of the Ganjiang River east coast, Miangen more than 200, because “if you shape, color such as soap,” named after.阁皂山位于樟树市东南20公里处的赣江东岸,绵亘200余里,因其“形如阁,色如皂”而得名。相传道学家葛玄曾在此修真悟道,后云游四海,最终仍回到阁皂山,并在骆驼峰之侧修建卧云庵,筑坛立灶,炼丹8载,终成“九转金丹”。 DAMAGE OF SOIL AND WATER LOSS ON THE FLOOD AND DROUGHT CONTROL IN ZHANGSHU CITY AND COUNTERMEASURE水土流失对樟树市江河防汛抗旱的危害与防治对策 |