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词汇 Zhangshu
释义 Zhangshu
This leaf is the HagoromoZhangshuah!这样的叶是樟树的羽衣啊!
Long-necked vase in a qing-bai glaze with incised lotused lotus designs,SongDynasty,35cm high,11cm base dian,Zhangshumuseum.该器高35厘米,底径11厘米,通体施青釉,胎灰白色,器肩饰山形纹,器胸部莲花纹在水泼纹的簇拥下,大有清水出芙蓉的意蕴。
Long-necked vase in a qing-bai glaze with incised lotused lotus designs, SongDynasty,35 cm high,11 cm base dian,Zhangshumuseum.该器高35厘米,底径11厘米,通体施青釉,胎灰白色,器肩饰山形纹,器胸部莲花纹在水泼纹的簇拥下,大有清水出芙蓉的意蕴。
June 14,ZhangshuCity Branch of the Trade and Industry Bureau Fu Cheong venture staff members sent to the business license free of charge.6月14日,樟树市工商局昌傅分局工作人员为创业人员送上免费办理的营业执照。
Lotus Farm is situated in Gao’an city, near the branch of Jiuling mountain, just at the intersection of Nanchang city,Zhangshucity, Fengcheng city, Xinyu city and Yichun city.白莲山农庄坐落于九岭山支脉山麓,地处江西省高安市,位于南昌、樟树、丰城、新余、宜春五城市交界中心。
First, on the base of standardizing Kangli drug logistics center, the modern and large Kangli drug logistics center was set up inZhangshuof Jiangxi province for the first time.第一大步:在规范康力药品物流中心上,首创了中国第一个现代化的大型江西樟树康力药品物流中心。




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