释义 |
Zhang Qun 基本例句 张群 From practical effect, those who control the power of the policy toward Japan are the students from Japan such as Huang Fu,Zhang Qun, Dei Jitao and He Ying-chin.从实际作用看,先后掌握过对日外交实权者如黄郛、张群、戴季陶、何应钦等,多是留日学生。 Zhang Qun,Yang Xi-lu.Isothermal adsorption of coals on methane under equilibrium moisture;.J China Coal Soc,1999,24:566-570 .;张群;杨锡禄.;平衡水分条件下煤对甲烷的等温吸附特性研究; Zhang QunDing Qingbao Ou Ling Xia Lingen State Key Lab.of Bioreactor Engineering; East China University of Science & Technology; Shanghai 200237;华东理工大学生物反应器工程国家重点实验室; |