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词汇 Zeus
释义 Zeus 英zuːs美zusAHDz›s 高Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

Greek mythology the supreme god of ancient Greek mythology; son of Rhea and Cronus whom he dethroned; husband and brother of Hera; brother of Poseidon and Hades; father of many gods; counterpart of Roman Jupitertype genus of the family Zeidae希腊神话中,第二代神王克洛诺斯把妻子迈亚所生的孩子一个接一个地吞进自己的肚子。迈亚为了拯救自己的孩子,在请教了大地女神盖亚后,在生下宙斯Zeus时,用布裹住一块石头谎称是所生的婴儿。克洛诺斯接过石头一口吞下。小宙斯逃过一劫,被偷偷地送到克里特岛被仙女抚养大。
  Zeus: zju:s n.宙斯,希腊神话中的神王
用作名词FinallyZeusdecided to help Io directly.最后宙斯决定直接帮助爱娥。
Zeussaw this and felt very sorry for both of them.宙斯目睹此情此景,对他们母子感到很抱歉。 For example, the Greek gods Zeus and Hermes would frequently disguise themselves as humans in order to ferret who among their supplicants were truly hospitable.
希腊诸神如宙斯和赫尔墨斯就经常将自己伪装成凡人,来试探那些求助他们的人,其中谁是真正的热情好客者。 yeeyan

The new edict is to substitute Zeus for God, Roman mythology being deemed suitably innocuous.
最新的修改是将上帝换成宙斯,罗马升华被认为是无伤大雅的。 yeeyan

This, after Hades convinces his divine brother Zeus Liam Neeson that humans need to regain respect for the deities. Hades promises to achieve that goal by scaring the crap out of earthlings.
事情的起因是因为哈迪斯告诉自己的兄弟宙斯连姆·尼森饰演人类必须重拾对神灵的尊重,因此他准备对凡人进行恐吓以达成这一目的。 yeeyan

Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the huntress Artemis.
阿波罗是宙斯和勒托之子,他有一个孪生妹妹狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯。 hjenglish

Behind Nike, the bust of Zeus on a plinth.

But taming lightning is a prospect that has tempted experimenters since at least the Olympian thunderbolts of Zeus.

Even the statue of Zeus that fell into the sea can be displayed, simply by using the remaining ruins as a landmark, for example.
只要利用现存的废墟作为地标,甚至早已经掉到海里取得宙斯雕像也可以显示出来。 yeeyan

Hades and his brothers Zeus and Poseidon defeated the Titans and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld, sky, and sea.
哈迪斯和他的兄弟宙斯,波塞冬一起打败了提坦,获得了宇宙的统治权,掌管冥界,天空和海洋。 kekenet

He is instead a Greek mythological king. His father was Zeus and his mother a nymph named Pluto.
他是一个希腊神话中的国王,他的父亲是宙斯,他的母亲是一个名为普鲁特的仙女。 yeeyan

He was killed by a thunderbolt from Zeus to prevent further disaster.
为了避免更多的灾难,他被宙斯的一道雷电击死。 yeeyan

His big break came during the Olympic Games, when he stood up in the temple of Zeus and declaimed his“ Histories” to the wealthy, influential crowd.
他的好运在奥运会期间降临。 在宙斯神庙里他站起来慷慨激昂地向有钱、有影响力的人群朗诵他的《历史》。 ecocn

However, women were not completely excluded from competitive sports, as they had their own games, every four years as well, called the Heraea, after Hera, the wife of Zeus.
然而妇女并没有完全被排斥在体育比赛之外,她们有自己的运动会,也是每四年举行一次,叫做赫拉亚,以宙斯的妻子赫拉命名。 ebigear

I've probably forgotten something critical, but there's no point in sitting around hoping that these missing pieces will spring from my head, fully armed, like Athena from the head of Zeus.
我可能已经忘了一些关键性的东西,但傻坐着一点用也没有,不要指望这些丢失的东西会从我的脑袋里完完整整地蹦出来,就象雅典娜从宙斯的脑袋里出来一样。 ibm

In Greek mythology, the god Cronus devoured five of his offspring to prevent them from overpowering him. Only Zeus, with his mother Rhea's help, escaped the fate of his siblings.
在希腊神话中,天神克罗诺斯为了防止后代推翻自己的统治,而吞食了自己的五个子嗣,只有宙斯在母亲瑞亚的帮助下逃脱了厄运。 fortunechina

Instead, he said he had learnt to be as happy as Zeus if all he had to eat was a glass of water and a barley cake.
相反,他说,如果他仅靠一杯水和一片大麦面饼就可以生存的话,他就会如同宙斯那样开心。 yeeyan

Newton may have been a Merlin, a Zeus, the finest scientist of all time.
牛顿也许是个大魔法师,是宙斯,是有史以来最好的科学家。 yeeyan

No, the work does not emerge complete and perfect, like Athena from Zeus's head.
是的,作品不会像从宙斯头颅中诞生的雅典娜那样完美无缺。 yeeyan

Prometheus cut up an ox and divided it into two parts: under the skin he placed the fresh, and under the fat he put the bones, for he knew the selfish Zeus loved fat.
普罗米修斯切开一头牛, 把它分成两部分:他把肉放在皮下, 将骨头放在肥肉下。因为他知道自私的宙斯爱吃肥肉。 ebigear

She’s the daughter of night, or at least the goddess Nyx and is still said by some to have evaded the advances of Zeus.
她是夜之女儿,或者说,是夜之女神尼克斯的女儿,有人还说她曾经躲避宙斯的纠缠。 yeeyan

She was the daughter of Zeus and was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta, by her stepfather.
她是宙斯的女儿,她的继父把她嫁给了斯巴达国王梅纳雷阿斯。 kekenet

The Olympic Games were held in honor of Zeus, the father of the gods.

The hero is Perseus, called a demi- god, because his father is Zeus the god, while his mother a human.
我们的主角是珀尔修斯,他是一个半人神,因为他的爸爸是一个神,宙斯,而他的妈妈是一个人。 yeeyan

Though sometimes he was blindfolded, no man nor god, Zeus himself included, was safe from his evils.
尽管有时他被蒙着眼睛,但没有任何人或神,包括宙斯在内, 能逃避他的恶作剧。 ebigear

Zeus allowed Nemean to return back to heaven and transform him into Leo in the sky.
后来宙斯让阿尼回到了天上变成了星星,就是那个灿烂如太阳的狮子座。 kekenet

Zeus made a third race of mortals, a terrible and mighty one of bronze.
宙斯又创造第三种人类,一种可怕的、孔武有力的青铜人类。 ebigear

Zeus then turned Io into a beautiful white little cow to avoid Hera.
为了躲避赫拉,宙斯把爱娥变成了一头漂亮的小白牛。 kekenet




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