

单词 zen
释义 zen 英zen美zɛn 高COCA¹⁸²³⁴BNC¹²¹³¹

school of Mahayana Buddhism asserting that enlightenment can come through meditation and intuition rather than faith; China and Japana Buddhist doctrine that enlightenment can be attained through direct intuitive insightstreet name for lysergic acid diethylamide禅宗乃中国佛教最大的宗派,因主张通过禅定修心见性而得名,相传南朝宋末年5世纪由天竺即今印度和尚菩提达摩传入中国,后来又分北方渐悟说和南方顿悟说两宗,但北宗数传即衰,独南宗盛行,成为禅宗正统。到了唐朝后期,禅宗几乎取代其他宗派,禅学成为佛学的代名词。1191年日本僧人荣西将禅宗传至日本。中国禅宗英语音译为Chan,而日本禅宗则英译为Zen。Zen强调通过沉思meditation和直觉intuition感悟自身固有的佛性。Zen一词源自汉语“禅”,而“禅”则是梵文dhyāna静坐沉思一词的译音。
长久以来,东方与西方在宗教方面一直相互影响。20世纪后半叶在西欧和北美出现了一批禅学团体,出版了不少禅学方面的书。某些英美作家受禅学影响,把日本禅学用语直接借用到英语之中,如satori开悟,zazen坐禅等,Zen即为其中之一。近年来Zen在电脑领域里常作动词用,首字母由大写变为小写,表示电脑程序员像修行的和尚,对某一问题百思不得其解的时候,经过打坐、修炼而豁然贯通,达到顿悟的境界。近义词 acid酸dot少量dose剂量pane窗玻璃superman超人Zen Buddhism禅宗window pane窗玻璃Elvis埃尔维斯男子名…battery-acid电池用酸液

用作名词For the Lover of Zen, every day is Valentine's Day.禅的恋人,天天都是情人节。
Second embodythe deepzenfeeling.其二是体现出浓重的禅情。 Mei Shuaiyuan, the producer of“ Zen Shaolin, ” said he was approached by government officials in Henan in2004.
梅帅元,“禅少林”的制作者之一,说他得以进入是在2004年因为河南的官员。 yeeyan

Previous iterations along those lines included the Zen desk, which had a miniature sand garden for a surface.
根据这一原则,德马科反复修改的设计中包括有微缩沙花园的禅台。 yeeyan

The zen influences more tremendous to China from of old.
自古到今,禅宗对中国的影响是巨大的。 ebigear

This isn't something new that you've never read on Zen Habits. But so many people get gung-ho about a total life makeover, they try to do everything at once.
禅习惯博客上不会有你没有读过的新文章,然而有那么多人因为野心勃勃地想把生活彻底改善而想要立刻把所有事情都做好。 yeeyan

Although this was years before Buddhism was peddled in supermarkets, he eagerly studied Zen, gave reading lists on the subject to his dates.
尽管那时候佛教并不流行,但他很热切地学习禅宗,把这方面的数目列出来给自己的约会对象看。 yeeyan

Do you think there is a relationship between minimalism and Zen?
你是否认为极简主义和禅之间有着密切的关系? yeeyan

He decided to move again, and in one of the notable failures of Zen archery, hit on Westport.
他决定再搬一次,然而,他的禅宗剑术射中的韦斯特波特是个明显的错误。 yeeyan

How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?
在你把自己的杯子清空之前,我怎么能给你讲禅呢? yeeyan

How might we bring a feeling of“ active calm” and stillness to ephemeral designs outside the Zen arts?
怎么样能使我们将这种“活跃的冷静”和静寂的感觉来运用在禅宗艺术外的设计呢? kekenet

I call it a “ Zen run” because my goal is not to improve performance or burn a lot of calories, but to focus on being present as I run.
我称之为禅跑,因为我的目标不是提高我俄跑步能力或者燃烧更多的能量,而是关注我目前的跑步状态。 yeeyan

I used it consciously with Zen Habits, and I’ve seen it put to use by other successful bloggers as well— whether they’re aware of it or not.
我在“禅宗习惯”上有意识地使用了它,而且我看到其他成功的博主们也使用了它无论他们是有意识的还是无意识的。 yeeyan

I found this exercise in an old book on Zen living; it’s one of my favorites to this day.
我学禅时在一本旧书里发现这个方法;这是直到今天为止我最喜欢的一个。 yeeyan

I'd love to hear your opinions. Do you think there is a relationship between minimalism and Zen? How do you like to think of minimalism? Please comment below!
我很想听听你的意见。你是否认为极简主义和禅之间有着密切的关系?你想怎样理解极简主义?请在下面评论! yeeyan

I will not pretend that raising children amid a stream of tests is a Zen experience, for them or for their parents.
我不会假装让孩子挣扎在题海中是一个禅宗样的经历,无论是对于他们自己还是他们的父母而言。 yeeyan

If you’ve loved the recipes that Jules has done for us here on Zen Family Habits in the past then I’m confident that you’ll love this new book so definitely check it out.
如果你喜欢这里的朱尔斯过去在禅宗家庭习惯节目中为我们制定的食谱,然后我肯定你将会爱上这本新书,所以一定要看看。 yeeyan

Jobs's immersion in Zen and passion for design almost certainly exposed him to the concept of ma, a central pillar of traditional Japanese aesthetics.
以乔布斯对禅的沉浸和对设计的热爱,他几乎肯定钻研过“无”这一日本传统美学的中心支柱观念。 lailook.net

Many readers have only begun reading Zen Habits in recent months, and may have missed some of these classics.
许多读者在最近几个月只是开始读禅宗养生的文章而可能错过了这些好内容。 yeeyan

Of course, there are many Zen stories, all of which point toward the inevitable conclusion that, simply put, you are IT.
当然,还有很多禅宗的故事,所有这些故事指向一个必然结论,简单地说就是,你是宇宙自身。 yeeyan

One of the reasons why Steve Jobs was so different and successful was his Buddhist and Zen sensibilities.
史蒂夫·乔布斯如此出众和成功的原因之一就是他对佛法和禅的感悟力。 yeeyan

Some150 monks live at the temple, and visiting monks from across China and abroad come to study and meditate at the purported fountainhead of Zen Buddhism.
寺庙中约住着150位僧人,来自中国各地和海外的访问僧侣会来此学习和冥想,因为这里才是禅宗佛教的源头。 yeeyan

This is part one of two of ‘ Zen and the Art of Minimalism’.
这是'禅宗和极简主义艺术'两部曲的第一部。 yeeyan

What can be more Zen than a bit of silence?
还有什么比一点安静更禅宗了呢? yeeyan

Zen Bodyand this is my personal definition and term is a body of a person who is mindful of what they eat and how they treat their body.
禅体我个人的定义和术语是指一个注意饮食并懂得如何对待自己身体的人的身体。 yeeyan




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