

单词 Zelda
释义 Zelda ˈzeldə 高COCA³¹²⁵⁶BNC⁷⁰⁶⁷³
A big focus for us this time was not necessarily a comparison in terms of how this game is different from Twilight Princess, but how we're separating it from the Zelda series.
对我们来说,我们所关注的并不是就与《黄昏公主》有多大不同而言来进行比较,而是它到底有多少东西区别于塞尔达系列。 yeeyan

A retired couple from New York City, Abie and Zelda now living in Boca Raton, Florida, were getting ready to go out to dinner.
一对从纽约市退休的夫妇,艾比和塞尔达现居博卡拉顿佛罗里达,正准备出去吃晚饭。 blog.sina.com.cn

A Video Game Symphony are now bringing a Proms-like take on Zelda's sweeping scores to London's Hammersmith Apollo this month.
电视游戏的交响乐提供了音乐会式的场景,使塞尔达在本月的伦敦汉默史密斯音乐展获得压倒性的优势。 yeeyan

Link from Legend of Zelda is brave and Sonic is fast.
而与《塞尔达传奇》有关的是勇敢,而《索尼克》则是速度。 yeeyan

No, it turned out, as the very same developer delivered The Legend Of Zelda the very next year on the same format.
可事实是,第二年,同一个开发组在同一个平台上发行了塞尔达传说。 yeeyan

On this day Zelda did not look her best.
这一天姗尔达看来并不处于她的最佳状态。 blog.sina.com.cn

That was, until they announced a new Zelda, Skyward Sword, out this November.
《塞尔达传说:天空之剑》将在十一月发售。 yeeyan

The Legend of Zelda has proven to be one of the greatest franchises of all time.
塞尔达传说系列被证实为有史以来最好的系列游戏之一。 hxen

The Legend Of Zelda's Money Making Game is a follow-the-lady-like lesson in futility, where your rupee stash can end in bankruptcy through no fault of your own.
塞尔达传说的赌博游戏是一个让人无功而返的教训,在游戏中你的账户可能以破产告终,尽管你没犯一点错误。 yeeyan

The Legend Of Zelda, Nintendo's second-biggest videogame series behind that rather popular, plump plumber chap, celebrates its25th anniversary this year.
仅次于某水管工的任天堂第二大的电子系列游戏,塞尔达传说,在今年庆祝了他的二十五周年诞辰。 yeeyan

The Zelda series' core principles are work hard, earn cash money and spend it on weapons and potions to better your chance of nabbing the princess.
塞尔达系列的核心原则就是,认真工作,赚钱,花钱买武器和药水,好让你更容易抱得公主归。 yeeyan

Zelda Last time I alluded to the exploit in the game Zelda for the Wii, where people were taking advantage of this and compromising the Wii system and installing their own software.
上次我提及到一个为 WII开发的游戏,对于 Wii,人们利用这种方法,折中了这个 Wii系统,并安装了他们自己的软件。 v.163.com

He and Zelda and their daughter were going to go there that summer.
他和姗尔达和他们的女儿那年夏天就准备上那儿去。 blog.sina.com.cn

He pointed to the new“ Legend of Zelda” game, in which the Wii controllers are swung about in real life and appear as a sword and shield within the game, as evidence of this.
为论证这一观点,他提到了新《塞尔达传说》 Legend of Zelda游戏。游戏中 Wii玩家在现实世界中挥动手臂,其在游戏中的化身则随之挥动剑和盾。 forbeschina

He would start to work and as soon as he was working well Zelda would begin complaining about how bored she was and get him off on another drunken party.
他会动笔写作,可是只要他一旦写得很顺利,姗尔达就会开始抱怨多么无聊,又拉他去参加一个闹酒的聚会。 blog.sina.com.cn

In Zelda, wander into town, say nothing, and everyone's tripping over themselves to give you free advice.
在塞尔达,漫步城镇,什么都不说,人们也会自动走上前来给你一些建议。 yeeyan

In2002 Zelda was one of the most loved franchises in gaming, with fans just wanting more of the same, only bigger.
在2002年塞尔达是游戏代理商最喜欢的游戏之一,有大把的粉丝想要类似的,只是制作得更好的游戏。 yeeyan

It was only Zelda's secret that she shared with me, as a hawk might share something with a man.
这不过是姗尔达与我分享的秘密而已,就像一头鹰会与人分享什么东西那样。 blog.sina.com.cn

Link may be the hero, but the game is named after Zelda.
林克也许是主角,但是整个游戏是以塞尔达命名的。 yeeyan

Most of the shoes are about old school games like Tetris, Pacman, Mario and Zelda.
这款鞋子的多数图案都是老的电子游戏,比如俄罗斯方块,吃豆子,超级玛丽和塞尔达。 kekenet

Only Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Tom Hiddleston and Alison Pill are credibly fleshed-out, as a warning about what will happen if Gil marries Inez.
只有斯科特和菲茨•杰拉德汤姆•希德勒斯顿和艾丽森•皮尔饰的形象是可信且丰满的,因为他们要告诫盖尔婚后可能发生的状况。 ecocn

Players are often given the task of using Link to rescue the Princess Zelda from the clutches of evil.
玩家总是要控制林克,从各种恶魔手中解救塞尔达公主。 kekenet

Said Iwata: “ We have just introduced the new ' Legend of Zelda' to be launched in 2011, which shows that we are not in a hurry to launch the next generation of home console.”
岩田聪说:“我们刚刚宣布,2011年将会发布新版的《塞尔达传说》。这说明任天堂并不急于发布新一代家庭游戏机。” forbeschina

Scott was being the good cheerful host and Zelda looked at him and she smiled happily with her eyes and her mouth too as he drank the wine.
司各特此时正当着友好而愉快的主人,而姗尔达凝视着他,看到他喝酒,便用她的眼睛和她的嘴巴微笑起来。 blog.sina.com.cn

There are two things that we strive for when creating a Zelda game.
在制作塞尔达游戏的时候,有两点是我们一直努力追求的。 yeeyan

We had to get his permission to use this piece of music from The Legend of Zelda for that dream sequence.
在他的许可之下,我们从《塞尔达传说》中撷取了一段音乐加入到电影中的梦境片段。 yeeyan

Yet Nintendo's magic has reinvented “ Zelda” as angel child of the rich and famous.
然而任天堂还是让塞尔达以富有的、名声显著的小天使的全新形象示人。 yeeyan

Zelda games have never really been about human relationships, and really Twilight Princess is still the only game in the series to delve deep into plot and characterisation.
塞尔达从来没有真正深入过人际关系,即使是在黄昏公主中也只是系列游戏里面唯一深入人性和角色性格的。 levelup

Zelda did not encourage the people who were chasing her and she had nothing to do with them, she said.
姗尔达对那些追求她的人并不表示鼓励,她跟他们毫不相干,她说。 blog.sina.com.cn




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