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词汇 zealots
释义 zealots 英'zeləts美'zeləts COCA³¹¹⁹⁷BNC³²⁴¹⁰Economist¹⁵²⁵⁰
名词 zealot:
a member of an ancient Jewish sect in Judea in the first century who fought to the death against the Romans and who killed or persecuted Jews who collaborated with the Romansa fervent and even militant proponent of somethingMany religiouszealotswill do nearly anything to gain converts.许多宗教狂热者会不择手段地吸收信徒。
Zealots focus their powers exclusively on the pursuit of war.而狂热者并不仅仅是他们的身上的科技那么简单。 In both countries, facts have no effect whatever on the dogmas of gun control zealots.
当然,两国的限枪支持者都对事实不屑一顾。 yeeyan

The elections that matter are the primaries, which are dominated by zealots.
事关重大的是初选,由狂热分子控制了。 ecocn

“ Progress ideology, ” he insisted, “ whether preached by New Deal Liberals, conservative Western industrialists or Soviet Zealots, ” always led in the same direction: environmental apocalypse.
他坚持到,“进步,成了一种意识形态。无论是新政自由主义者,还是保守的西方工业主义者或者苏联道路狂热者,都在鼓吹着进步”。 yeeyan

“ THE worst are full of passionate intensity,” W.B. Yeats declared of religious zealots.
“下下之徒却充满狂烈的激情,”叶慈W.B. Yeats*对宗教狂热者如此断言。 ecocn

A successful South African entrepreneur during the dotcom era, he wants open-source zealots to lose their religion and concentrate on ease- of-use instead.
作为互联网时代南非成功的企业家,他希望开源软件的发烧友们抛弃他们无谓的追求,专注于软件的易用性。 ecocn

An emollient speech that he made to NewYork rabbis in 1991— stressing the common past of Christians and Jews— was held against him by zealots.
1991年他为纽约的拉比的缓和演说中强调犹太教与基督教共同的渊源,这一点被狂热分子们所攻击。 ecocn

Broadway zealots have long been obsessed with the show, which won a Tony for Best Musical in 1979.
百老汇粉丝们早已对这部1979年托尼奖最佳音乐剧获奖作品着迷不已。 yeeyan

But now I want to raise my voice in praise of slacktivism and defend those lazy zealots.
但是现在,我愿意为懒汉行动主义高声赞美,为这些懒惰的狂热者辩护。 yeeyan

But the zealots who opt to move into Arab districts bring with them the armed support of the Israeli state.
但是那些选择进入阿拉伯居住区的狂热者有以色列政府的武装保护。 topsage

In the past, Mr Obama has been a bit too prone to play to the zealots who surround him.
在过去,奥巴马被认为太其政见太具倾向性而不足以周旋于周围那些政见狂热者中间。 topsage

In western discourse Islamists are seen as newcomers to politics, gullible zealots who are motivated by a radical ideology and lack experience.
在西方眼中,伊斯兰教徒似乎缺乏政治经验,都是被极端的意识形态驱使的易受蒙蔽的狂热分子。 yeeyan

It was also the first by secular citizens, as opposed to Pakistan's ever-livid Muslim zealots A week later, the repercussions were felt in Karachi.
它意义非凡,因为它是当地的第一次,并首次以世俗市民为主体,而不是巴基斯担的永远无法停止愤怒的穆斯林狂热者。一周之后,卡拉奇市已是山雨欲来风满楼。 ecocn

Many of the newer Republican members of the House are zealots sent there by the tea- party movement in November’s mid-term elections.
许多新的众议院共和党议员是十一月中期选举中茶党运动的狂热者。 ecocn

Serious developers may become advocates, but they never become fundamentalist zealots.
优秀的开发人员可能会成为新技术的倡导者,但不会成为狂热的追求者。 yeeyan

She became a convenient scapegoat in a political battle between her friend Orestes, the governor of Alexandria, and the city's archbishop, Cyril, and was killed by a mob of Christian zealots.
她成了她的朋友亚历山大总督奥雷斯特斯和大主教西里尔之间政治斗争的替罪羊,被基督教狂热分子杀害。 yeeyan

So the fact that zealots on both sides are moaning about the new regime finally passed by America’s telecoms regulator on December21st is on the whole a good sign.
因此,美国电信监管部门12月21日通过的新规惹来正反两方狂热者的抱怨,总体来说是一个好现象。 ecocn

Some of the religious zealots may well believe in the obnoxious charter.
一些宗教狂热分子可能坚信令人厌恶的哈马斯宪章。 ecocn

That may be fine for the zealots: government is the problem, remember.
这对于几个狂热信徒来说是没什么关系:政府本身就是问题,记得吗? ecocn

Two weeks ago hundreds of such zealots briefly took over Hawta, the capital of nearby Lahej province, due north of Aden, only to melt away a day or so later.
两周前,数百名伊斯兰狂热者短暂占领了附近亚丁正北的拉赫吉省首府霍塔。不过大约一天之后,就消散了。 ecocn

We are no longer governed by fanatics, revolutionaries, or ideological zealots.
我们不再被狂热分子,革命家,还有热衷意识形态的人统治。 yeeyan

Written information was no longer the domain of monks with quill pens and hand-written books were no longer confined to zealots in churches.
书面信息不再是使用鹅毛笔和手抄书的僧侣们的统治领地,也不再仅限于教会的狂热信徒。 yeeyan

Zealots on both sides see land as sacred.
双方都有视土地为神赐的狂热宗教分子。 ecocn

Zealots say fighting global warming is a moral imperative, so cost- benefit analyses are immoral.




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