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词汇 zeal
释义 zeal 英ziːl美zilAHDzēl ★☆☆☆☆研GIST4四八COCA¹⁵⁵¹²BNC¹³³⁵⁷iWeb¹³⁵⁷⁰Economist⁶⁸⁹⁵

U 热心,热忱,热情

enthusiasm or keenness

a feeling of strong eagerness usually in favor of a person or cause;

they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor

he felt a kind of religious zeal

excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end;

he had an absolute zeal for litigation

prompt willingness;

readiness to continue discussions

they showed no eagerness to spread the gospel

they disliked his zeal in demonstrating his superiority

he tried to explain his forwardness in battle





来自词根zeal-竞争,争强好胜,从“争强好胜”引申为对某事物的狂热追求,现在常用来表示对某一事业的热情。词根zeal-竞争,争强好胜来自希腊语,在古希腊神话中是竞争女神的名字。常见变体形式:jeal-。zeal for热心
GRE难词记忆zeal→laze n.懒散→懒散的人是不会有什么热情可言的 lazen.懒散⇒懒散的人是不会有什么热情可言的近义词 ardor热情vigor活力fervor热诚warmth温暖ardour热情passion激情fervour热情keenness锐利eagerness渴望sincerity真诚vehemence热烈intensity强度enthusiasm热情expression表情fanaticism狂热application应用inspiration灵感forwardness大胆readiness准备就绪elan法语锐气…反义词 phlegm痰apathy冷漠stolidity迟钝
用作名词n.They worked with great zeal to finish the project.他们热情高涨地工作,以期完成这个项目。Pzealouslyad.热心渴望积极热诚热情Pzealousa.热衷的热诚的热心的热情的

用作名词They plunged into their work with immensezeal.他们以极大的热情投入工作。
He shows greatzealfor knowledge.他表现出极大的求知热情。
Hiszealwill soon burn itself out.他的热忱很快就会冷淡下来的。
Entire employeezealis expecting your presence!酒店全体员工热忱期待着您的光临!noun.enthusiasm
同义词 ardor,determination,devotion,diligence,eagerness,earnestness,fanaticism,fervor,gusto,inclination,intensity,passion,perseverance,sincerity,spirit,urgency,verve,warmth,zestalacrity,bustle,dispatch,drive,enterprise,fierceness,fire,hustle,initiative,intentness,keenness,mania,push,readiness,vehemence,yenstick-to-itiveness,what it takes
反义词 apathy,coolness,disinterest,dullness,inactivity,indifference,insincerity,laziness,lethargy,neglect,unenthusiasm,discouragement
alacritiesnoun liveliness; promptness
alacritynoun liveliness; promptness
ambitionnoun strong desire for success
appetite,ardor,aspiration,avidity,craving,desire,drive,eagerness,earnestness,emulation,energy,enterprise,enthusiasm,fire in belly,get up and go,hankering,hope,hunger,initiative,itch,keenness,longing,love,lust,moxie,passion,pretension,push,right stuff,spirit,striving,thirst,vigor,yearning,zeal
ambitionsnoun strong desire for success
appetites,ardors,aspirations,avidities,cravings,desires,drives,eagerness,earnestness,emulations,energies,enterprises,enthusiasms,fire in bellies,get up and gos,hankerings,hopes,hunger,initiatives,itches,keenness,longings,loves,lust,moxies,passions,pretensions,pushes,right stuffs,spirits,strivings,thirsts,vigor,yearnings,zeal
animationnoun liveliness; activity
action,ardor,bounce,brio,briskness,buoyancy,dash,dynamism,ebullience,elation,energy,enthusiasm,esprit,excitement,exhilaration,fervor,gaiety,high spirits,life,oomph,passion,pep,sparkle,spirit,sprightliness,verve,vibrancy,vigor,vim,vitality,vivacity,zeal,zest,zing,zip,élan
appetitenoun desire for food, worldly goods
appetence,appetency,appetition,big eyes,craving,demand,fondness,gluttony,greed,hankering,hunger,inclination,itch,liking,longing,lust,passion,penchant,proclivity,propensity,ravenousness,relish,soft spot,stomach,sweet tooth,taste,thirst,urge,voracity,weakness,willingness,yearning,yen,zeal,zest For if their dynamism is evocative of Newt Gingrich’s mid-term revolution of1994, so too is their zeal for small government.
因为,假如他们的力量能够唤起1994年金维奇的中期改革,同样能够唤起他们对小政府的的热情。 yeeyan

Benjamin Franklin imbued in us the zeal to work and encouraged the inclination for self- improvement.
我们对工作的热情以及自我改善的倾向来自本杰明·富兰克林。 yeeyan

Both think that, issued now, Eurobonds would kill what little zeal for reform exists. Both hope stricter rules would not only resolve the crisis but ensure it does not recur.
二者都认为现在发行的欧洲债券会打消改革的热情,希望法律条例的加强不仅可以淡化危机而且确保其不会卷土重来。 ecocn

But as the winter went on, I found it harder and harder to withdraw— either from the events we read and heard about, or from the zeal that seized the students in the seminar.
但随着冬天的消逝,我发现我越来越难以撤出了——要么是我们读到或听到的那些事件,要么就是抓住研讨会上的学生们的热情使然。 yeeyan

Employees and analysts say he's guided by a zeal for satisfying customers, even if it comes at the expense of his own ideas and preferences.
他的员工及分析师都说他一直被顾客满意的热情所指引,即便是在有损他的观点和偏好的时候。 yeeyan

He worked for the cause with great zeal.
他怀着极大的热诚为理想而努力。 ebigear

Her critics damn her for a lack of European zeal and for dithering when panic took hold in the financial markets.
当大恐慌在金融市场根深蒂固之时,评论者咒骂她缺乏欧洲人的热情以及犹豫不决。 ecocn

In 2009 the usually cerebral James Murdoch launched a scathing attack on the BBC, whose size and zeal for expansion into new areas he described as“ chilling”.
2009年,一向理智的詹姆士•默多克对 BBC发起严重的攻击,他将 BBC向新领域扩张的范围和热情形容为“令人心寒的”。 ecocn

In the last decade, however, we have sought to fulfill the goal with greater zeal, greater commitment, and greater success than at any period in our history.
在过去十年中,我们比历史上任何时期都力求更加热心地、更加献身地、更加成功地来达到这个目标献身。 gzu521

Many Conservatives wonder why the courts have only shown such zeal since the riots.
许多保守党人士纳闷,自从暴乱开始以来,为什么法院只显示出热情。 ecocn

Most of his disciples are youngsters fired up by his revolutionary zeal.
他的信徒大多是些被他革命热情点燃了的年轻人。 ecocn

Since that wretched epoch, he had watched, with morbid zeal and minuteness, not his acts- for those it was easy to arrange- but each breath of emotion, and his every thought.
从那倒霉的时日起,他一直以病态的热情,小心翼翼地监视着自己的,不是他的行为——因为这很容易调整——,而是他的每一丝情绪和每一个念头。 hjenglish

The group has taken criticism for its conservative views, zeal, and secretive practices.
该社团因其保守的观念,热忱和遮掩的行为而受到批评。 yeeyan

The zeal for letting in the daylight, with which, as a member of the concentration camps seminar, I had condemned my father to shame, had passed, and it embarrassed me.
这种热情在白天得到释放,作为集中营研讨会的一名成员,我带着这种热情谴责过我父亲的时代早已过去了,那使我很尴尬。 yeeyan

They plunged into their work with immense zeal.

They were animated by religious zeal.

Whatever zeal he had for the revolution was extinguished by the23 years he spent in a labor camp— punishment, he said, for insulting the relative of a party official when he was a college student.
不管他对革命抱有怎样的热情,也都被他在劳改营度过的23年时光扑灭了——他说这是对他还是一名大学生时辱骂某位党内官员亲戚的惩罚。 yeeyan




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