释义 |
zaslowCOCA⁹⁸⁰⁹⁰ 例句 In a new book, “ The Girls From Ames: A Story of Women and a40-Year Friendship” Gotham, Jeffrey Zaslow tells the story of11 childhood friends who scattered from Iowa to eight different states. 在一本名为《来自亚美尼亚的女孩们:一个女人和她与朋友四十年友谊的故事》, Jeffrey Zaslow讲述了11个孩童时期一起玩耍的朋友从爱荷华州分散到八个不同的州的故事。 yeeyan Using scrapbooks, photo albums and the women’s own memories, Mr. Zaslow chronicles how their close friendships have shaped their lives and continue to sustain them. 借助剪贴簿、相册和这些女人们的回忆, Zaslow先生以编年体的形式描述了她们亲密关系的形成、发展及维系。 yeeyan |