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词汇 Zardari
释义 ZardariEconomist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
Both Mr Chaudhry and Mr Sharif have won popularity for standing up to a dictator, whereas Mr Zardari is despised for cutting a deal with him to come to power.
乔杜里和谢里夫都因为敢于和独裁者穆沙拉夫硬碰硬而赢得声望,但扎尔达里却因为以协议换政权的举动而遭人鄙视。 ecocn

General Ashraf Kayani, the army chief of staff, has lost some of his sway over the civilian leaders, notably President Asif Zardari.
陆军参谋长阿史拉夫•卡亚尼失去了一些对文职领导人的影响,尤其是对阿斯夫•札达里总统的影响。 ecocn

In that case, Mr Zardari might be loth to dilute the president’s powers first— though he has sworn to do so.
如果他真能当选,扎尔达里可能不会爽快的削减总统的权力了,尽管他曾发誓如此。 ecocn

Its decision to impeach the president was less a sign of strength than of terminal wrangling between Mr Zardari and Mr Sharif.
弹劾总统之举与其说是政府强有力的标志,还不如说是扎尔达里和谢里夫二人争执不下的最终结果。 ecocn

Meeting on the margins of a regional summit in Russia, Pakistan’s president, Asif Zardari, and India’s prime minister, Manmohan Singh, held talks about renewing the two countries’ formal talks.
俄罗斯举行的地区峰会间歇期间,巴基斯坦总统阿西夫.阿里.扎尔达里和印度总理曼莫汉.辛格举行会谈,讨论回复两国的从前对话。 ecocn

Zardari, together with his son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, attended Friday's opening ceremony and has urged on his nation's237 athletes, the report said.
报道说,扎尔达里和他的儿子比拉瓦尔·布托·扎尔达里参加了星期五的开幕式,并鞭策了本国的237名运动员。 yeeyan

American officials deem Mr Zardari corrupt and impotent, and accuse military intelligence of colluding with the Taliban.
美国官员认为扎里达尔腐败无能,并指责他与塔利班组织互通军事情报。 ecocn

At a dramatic midnight conclave, the country’s Supreme Court judges gave credence to rumours that Mr Zardari planned to sack them and vowed to defy him.
在一个戏剧性的午夜秘密会议上,该国最高法院的法官们轻信了扎尔达里打算罢免他们的传言,并誓言要反对他到底。 ecocn

During the talks in Brussels, European Union officials offered both moral and financial support to Pakistan's president Asif Ali Zardari.
欧洲联盟官员在布鲁塞尔的会谈中,对巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里提供了道义和资金的双重支持。 iciba

Earlier, in an opinion piece in the Washington Post, President Asif Ali Zardari admitted Bin Laden “was not anywhere we had anticipated he would be”.
早些时候,在华盛顿邮报的采访中,巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里承认,本拉登“会藏在出乎我们意料之外的地方。” yeeyan

Its leader, Nawaz Sharif, who was toppled in 1999 by Mr Musharraf, was freed by a recent constitutional amendment to become prime minister for a third time; and he is more popular than Mr Zardari.
其领袖纳瓦兹•谢列夫,1999年曾被穆沙拉夫先生打败,最近一次宪法修订案允许他可以第三次担任总理。他确实比扎尔达里受爱戴。 ecocn

Last month Mr Zardari joined forces with Nawaz Sharif, a former prime minister, to hound Pervez Musharraf from the presidency.
上个月扎尔达里与前总理纳瓦兹•谢里夫联手迫使佩尔韦兹•穆沙拉夫从辞去总统一职。 ecocn

Mr Zardari is to be applauded for making President Hamid Karzai the guest of honour at his inauguration.
扎尔达里将在自己的就职典礼上将卡尔扎伊总统奉为上宾的举动另人拍手称快。 ecocn

Mr Zardari and Mr Sharif both say they want peace with India and an end to ruinous militancy. Neither is a friend to the army.
扎尔达里和谢里夫都说过要同印度和平相处并摧毁破坏性强的武装势力,没一个是军方的朋友。 ecocn

Opposition leaders Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari are due to begin putting together a coalition government in Islamabad later today.
今天晚些时候,反对党领导人谢里夫和扎尔达里将开始在伊斯兰堡组建联合政府。 yeeyan

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari praised Guangzhou organisers for the ongoing Asian Games, saying the effort reflected China's soft power on the global stage, the state press said today.
国家媒体今天报道说,巴基斯坦总统阿西夫·阿里·扎尔达里赞扬了正在进行的广州亚运会的组织者,他说这些努力反应了中国在全球舞台上的软实力。 yeeyan

Pakistani President Asif Zardari has warned that the entire country is fighting for its survival against the Taleban, whose influence he said has spread deep into the country.
巴基斯坦总统阿斯夫·扎达瑞警告说,全国上下正在为国家的生存与塔利班斗争,因为塔利班已经散布并深深埋藏在每一个角落。 yeeyan

President Zardari and other civilian leaders have floundered for a response.
扎尔达里总统及其他文职领导人已经辗转想要一个答案。 ecocn

President Zardari focused his remarks on the growing strength of democracy in Pakistan.
扎尔达里总统则重点阐述了日益强化的巴基斯坦民主。 ebigear

Shrewdly, Mr Zardari invited Afghanistan’s president, Hamid Karzai, to his oath- taking ceremony in Islamabad, to discuss future co-operation.
扎尔达里很英明地邀请了阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊出席他的宣誓典礼共商未来的合作事宜。 ecocn

So any official Pakistani involvement would suggest that Mr Zardari and his government are not in control.
所以任何巴基斯坦的官方介入都会暗示出扎尔达里及其政府已经失去了对事态的控制。 ecocn

Some of Mr Zardari’s opponents look at Egypt and Tunisia and see fellow Muslims taking to the streets to oust American- backed leaders. They ponder getting rid of their own unpopular president.
有部分扎尔达里的反对者看到在埃及和突尼斯,穆斯林同胞们走上大街抗议,要求驱逐美国支持的总统,他们也在考虑怎样让他们不受欢迎的总统下台。 ecocn

The courts quickly adopt populist causes, especially those that squeeze Mr Zardari.
法庭立即打出了民粹主义的牌,特别是那些能排挤扎先生的。 ecocn

This insists on civilian control of the army, a condition the army suspects was inserted at the behest of the Zardari government.
该法案要求文官治理巴军。 军方猜测只要扎尔达里政府一声令下,军队就会被文官插上一脚。 ecocn

Zardari said the two countries are all-weather close friends.




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