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zaobaoCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺⁴ 基本例句 🌏联合早报网;招标信息;香港早报 In the weeks subsequent to the Forum, scores of commentaries and essays were also published in Zaobao responding to the issues raised at the Forum. 《联合早报》随后也发表不少读者的文章,针对对话会的课题进行讨论。 hotdic Moreover, it has attracted huge international media interest and covered by newspapers such as Zaobao Daily in Singapore, Tide Chinese Newspaper in the US and Eastern Daily in Shanghai. 新加坡《联合早报》、美国《侨报》、上海《东方日报》等新闻媒体对此进行了专题报道。 chinese The dinner is regarded as the most expensive reunion dinner in China, the Singapore- based Lianhe Zaobao reported Monday. 新加坡《联合早报》报道称,该年夜饭可谓中国最贵。 cri The Lianhe Zaobao also publishes letters from new immigrants. 《联和早报》也经常发表新移民的来信。 iyihu A group of Buddhist monks in Japan have opened a jazz bar where they seek to enlighten while entertaining, Lianhe Zaobao reported. 据《联合早报》报道,一群日本和尚日前开设了一家爵士酒吧,既为布道,又为娱乐。 www.chinadaily.com.cn According to Lianhe Zaobao reported that the following is a hostage crisis in Moscow incident. 据联合早报报道,以下是莫斯科发生人质危机事件的始末。 tianya According to Singapore's “ Lianhe Zaobao” reported that the World Medical researchers in the capital, Mexico City, Mexico at the World AIDS Conference issued a report published this research. 据新加坡《联合早报》报道,世界医学研究人员在墨西哥首都墨西哥城举行的世界艾滋病大会上发表报告,公布这样的研究成果。 zyynb Among the messages to Zaobao Online's forum, quite a few were intended to mobilise people for another kind of political protest. 在雪片式飞向早报电子版的邮件中,有些是试图进行另外一种政治抗议动员。 hotdic And the same for Lianhe Zaobao which is a major Chinese intellectual and cultural institution in Singapore. 而联合早报作为新加坡华文知识和文化界的重镇,更应该把握这个新机会。 iciba But Lianhe Zaobao targeted more at introducing to the Chinese readers the literary works of a Singapore-Malayan writer in the first half of this century. 不过,《联合早报》更趋向于为华文读者介绍一位半个世纪前的新马作家的作品。 hotdic Chinese workers in Singapore lost their jobs overnight when their work permits were revoked suddenly, Lianhe Zaobao reported. 据《联合早报》报道,870名在新加坡工作的中国工人的工作许可证突然被吊销,一夜之间没了工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Commentary Writer of Shanghai Business Daily, The Beijingnews Daily, Zaobao Morningpost of Singapore. 《上海商报》、《新京报》、新加坡《联合早报》等媒体评论作者。 cjx.cueb.edu.cn He contributed this article to Lianhe Zaobao in his personal capacity. 这份稿是他以个人身分为《联合早报》而写的。 hotdic I have pointed out in an article published in Zaobao in September that, school dropouts constitute a serious wastage of education, for both the nation and the individual. 我九月间在早报发表的文稿内,曾详细提及:半途退学,对国家与个人而言,都是一种教育损失。 tdict In the case of Singapore, for instance, some institutes subscribe only to Lianhe Zaobao, or , at most, The Straits Times as well. 以新加坡来说,有些东南亚研究所只订阅《联合早报》,顶多加《海峡时报》。 iciba In a recent article in Zaobao, I stressed the importance of maintaining Singapore as a secular state and the separation of politics and religion. 最近在《早报》的一篇文章中,我强调维持新加坡作为一个长期政治与宗教的分裂的国家。 hjbbs Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore: My question is about the12th Five-Year Plan. 新加坡《联合早报》记者:我想请问关于“十二五”规划的问题。 yeeyan Lianhe Zaobao: I have two questions. The first is on sovereign wealth funds SWF. The EU and the IMF are reportedly working on a set of code of conduct. 新加坡《联合早报》记者:第一个问题跟主权财富基金有关,欧盟和国际基金货币组织正在制定主权财富基金有关的准则。 blog.sina.com.cn Lianhe Zaobao today has a readership of over800,000. 《联合早报》目前的读者群已超过80万人。 hotdic Many readers came to Zaobao Online's forum only after they had seen the photos. 不少人就是因为看到这些图片后,才来早报电子版论坛声讨暴行的。 hotdic Many Chinese undergraduates still find reading the Lianhe Zaobao difficult. 许多华族大学生还是连阅读《联合早报》都很累。 hotdic The author is Lianhe Zaobao's correspondent in HK. 作者是本报副刊记者。 hotdic The space for political debate has gradually but steadily widened. That Mr Chan could publish such a critical piece in Lianhe Zaobao shows this to be so. 政治辩论的公共空间肯定已经逐渐扩大了,曾昭鹏能在《联合早报》发表他这篇不同观点的文章就足以证明。 suiniyi The writer is a correspondent of Lianhe Zaobao. 作者是《联合早报》执行级记者。 hotdic The writer is Lianhe Zaobao's art journalist. 作者是《联合早报》文化艺术记者。 hotdic |