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词汇 zahra
释义 zahra
As she continues her search, the woman, Zahra, pictures the hopeful sea of protesters that swamped the streets of Tehran after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s declared victory.
Medhi还在继续找她儿子的同时,一位名叫 Zahra的女士拍下了内贾德宣布胜利当选后的场景——街上人山人海,水泄不通,挤满了希望满满、兴高采烈的支持者。 ecocn

Another theme that runs through Zahra’s book is the mistrust that officials, psychologists, and activists shared for parents.
历史学家扎哈拉在书中阐述的另一个主题就是政府、心理医生和激进主义分子对父母的不信任。 yeeyan

But she remembers too with horror the death of Zahra Kazemi, an Iranian-Canadian journalist who died in2003 after a beating in the same prison.
但是她也保有那份关于那个名叫 Zahra Kazem的伊朗裔加拿大女记者的恐怖的记忆——她于2003年在艾文监狱被殴打致死。 ecocn

Eyewitnesses say police and paramilitary basis forces carrying clubs beat demonstrators at Tehran's Behesht-e- Zahra cemetery, arresting dozens and dispersing dozens of others.
目击者说,在德黑兰的贝赫斯特。扎赫拉公墓,警察和民兵部队巴斯基用棍棒殴打示威者,并拘捕了几十人,驱散了另外数十人。 tingroom

No, Zahra, all children are not like that.

She took on the case of Zahra Bahrami, a Dutch- Iranian who was arrested for participating in post- election demonstrations in 2009.
她接手了佐拉•巴拉米案件,一位荷兰籍伊朗人因参加2009年大选后的游行而受拘留的案件。 yeeyan

Supporters of Afghan parliamentary election candidate Farkhunda Zahra Naderi attend a rally in Kabul September 3, 2010.

The scenes are from“ Zahra’s Paradise”, an online graphic novel written and illustrated by two Iranians in America.
这个场景取自“ Zahra天堂”,它是由两个身在美国的伊朗人创作并配图的一份网上图文小说。 ecocn

The title, “ Zahra’s Paradise”, has particular resonance for Iranians. It is the name of a sprawling cemetery in southern Tehran.
““ Zahra天堂”这个标题使得伊朗民众尤为心有戚戚,因为它是德黑兰南部一个公墓的名字。 ecocn

Unusually, some women were let into the stadium, but officials swiftly took the body away for a secretive burial at Behesht-e Zahra cemetery.
而且不同寻常的是,一些妇女也被允许入场,但是官方很快将赫亚兹的遗体运走,秘密葬于贝赫斯特.扎赫拉公墓。 ecocn

Zahra is especially good at tracing the connections between pedagogic theories and nationalist politics, and her rich source basis allows her to demonstrate the ubiquity of the problem.
历史家学扎哈拉特别擅长追述教学理论和国际政治之间的关系,她掌握的丰富的研究资料更能向读者展示问题的普遍性。 yeeyan




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