

单词 Zachariah
释义 Zachariah ,zækә'raiә COCA¹²⁷²⁸⁸BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
圣撒迦利亚 ①施洗者约翰之父 ②耶稣称为殉道的人 ③男子名
And this is the prophecy that comes with the angel to Zachariah.

And Jeroboam slept with his fathers, even with the kings of Israel; and Zachariah his son reigned in his stead.
耶罗波安与他列祖以色列诸王同睡。他儿子撒迦利雅接续他作王。 examw

Jafar chose the opening of chapter19, entitled Mary, which speaks about the Prophet Zachariah and his son John before it goes on to relate the story of the virgin birth of Jesus.

Look at1:14. This is talking about the birth of John the Baptist, his father is the priest Zachariah, his mother is Elizabeth.

The hospital is known for serving uninsured and underinsured people, but Brian Zachariah, the director of emergency medicine, reckons that it will have to cut back on this.
该院因为为没有保险和保险额不足的病人服务而闻名,但是急诊部的主任 Brian Zachariah认为现在它将不得不砍掉这种服务。 ecocn




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