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词汇 Zachary
释义 Zachary ˈzækəri 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
From left, Jesse Eisenberg; Justin Timberlake, wearing Tom Ford; Zachary Levi and Moby.
杰西·艾森伯格;贾斯汀·丁伯莱克身着汤姆·福特设计的礼服;扎克里·李维和莫比。 yeeyan

General Zachary Taylor commanded the American force. He sent one of his officers across the river to meet with Mexican officials.
扎伽利.泰勒将军领导着美国这支军队,他派遣他的军官渡过格兰备河去会见墨西哥官员。 yeeyan

Lois Zachary urges mentors and mentees to establish ground rules before they begin a relationship.
路易斯•扎克利建议导师和学员在明确关系之前,先确定基本原则。 fortunechina

The Parrotts have yet to have a birthday party this year for son Zachary, who turned 8 in February.

This, however, will not be the case for17-year-old Toronto FC rookie Zachary Herold.
然而,对于多伦多 FC的新秀,17岁的杂克·海柔德来说,情况却完全相反。 yeeyan

Though Ed Lazar’s younger son, Zachary, did not know his father well, he has written a pungent- sounding but maddeningly vague book about Ed’s murder.
作为Ed的小儿子, Zachar对父亲的了解不多,但却写作了一本听起来让人觉得非常刺激但情节又模糊的令人抓狂的关于自己父亲谋杀案的小说。 yeeyan

But, based on the code of conduct for the Christina School District, where Zachary is a first grader, school officials had no choice.
但是,按照一年级生扎贾里就读的克里斯蒂娜学区的行为准则,校方表示他们别无选择。 yeeyan

Congress ended its session on March fourth, eighteen forty-nine, without any progress. Zachary Taylor was sworn-in as president that same day.
国会在1849年3月4日结束了它的会期,这一天,扎伽利.泰勒宣誓就职。 yeeyan

He defended the decision, but added that the board might adjust the rules when it comes to younger children like Zachary.
他支持对扎贾里的决定,但是补充说对于扎贾里这样的低龄儿童,董事会可能会调整制度。 yeeyan

In Zachary’s case, the state’s new law did not help because it mentions only expulsion and does not explicitly address suspensions.
然而这条新的法规却帮不了扎贾里,因为它规定的是开除而没与明确提到停课。 yeeyan

It's my son, Zachary, my younger son, dressed up as Spider-Man, but it is Halloween.
是我儿子,扎卡里,我的小儿子,扮成蜘蛛侠的样子,不过这是在万圣节。 youdao

Many leaders supported the compromise. But President Zachary Taylor did not.
许多政治领导人支持这项妥协案,但扎伽利.泰勒总统却不支持。 yeeyan

Now, with strong managers in place, I can spend more time with my family husband Michael Burlant and sons Zachary, nine, and Jason, seven, traveling and playing baseball.
我可以多花一点时间与我的家人在一起了旅行,玩棒球。 (丈夫 Michael Burlant,两个儿子,9岁的 Zachary,7岁的 Jason). yeeyan

President Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to take an army into the disputed region, and in April1846, one of Taylor's patrols was attacked by Mexican troops.
波尔克总统命令扎卡里·泰勒将军率兵前往争议地区。1846年4月,泰勒的一支巡逻队遭到墨西哥军队的袭击。 hjenglish

School officials concluded that he had violated their zero- tolerance policy on weapons, and Zachary was suspended and now faces45 days in the district’s reform school.
校方认为他违反了他们对武器的零容忍政策。 扎贾里被停课,现在还面临到地方教养院“改造”45天的命运。 yeeyan

The kinds of skills Zachary has developed — locating information quickly and accurately, corroborating findings on multiple sites— may seem obvious to heavy Web users.
Zachary通过互联网学习到的技能——准确迅速地找寻信息、在众多网站上验证发现的准确性——这些都显而易见地表示,他是个重度互联网用户。 yeeyan

This is my son, Zachary, pretty young but this is not the youngest record of laughing.
这是我儿子 Zachary,他很小,还有比他更小的小孩发出笑声。

TIME columnist Zachary Karabell did find a way into the renminbi via a new offering at the Bank of China. See sidebar.
时代周刊专栏作家找到一种从中国银行购买人民币的方法,参见边栏。 yeeyan

Zachary Lazar’s father died in 1975 of distinctly unnatural causes in a stairwell at a Phoenix parking garage.
1975年, Zachary Lazar的父亲出于非自然的原因死于一家“凤凰”停车库的楼梯井上。 yeeyan

Zachary Sharp from the University of New Mexico led the study.
来自新墨西哥大学圣伽里略.夏普提供此项研究。 yeeyan

Zachary Sims, the Old Greenwich, Conn., teenager, often stays awake until2 or3 in the morning reading articles about technology or politics— his current passions— on up to100 Web sites.
康涅狄格州老格林威治的年轻人 Zachary Sims,常常熬夜直到凌晨2、3点,阅读一些科技和政治文章——这是他现在的爱好之一——浏览100多个网站。 yeeyan

Zachary suggested that the person who sent the fax was involved in a conspiracy orchestrated by officials opposed to the ban on ivory trading.
圣扎迦利暗示发送传真的人涉嫌一场阴谋活动,是由某些反对象牙贸易禁令的官员精心策划的。 yeeyan

Zachary Taylor was a slave owner.
扎伽利.泰勒自己就是一位奴隶拥有者。 yeeyan

Zachary Taylor won both the popular and electoral votes. He became the twelfth president of the United States.
扎伽利.泰勒同时赢得了全国选民的投票和选举人的投票,他成了美国第十二任总统。 yeeyan

Zachary Thomas, with the South Carolina National Guard, says it was tough.
南卡罗来那国民警卫队的扎卡里·托马斯称该演习任务非常艰巨。 hjenglish




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