

单词 yunnanese
释义 yun·nan·ese AHDyu̇nə|nēz,-nēs Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Santikhiri has retained much of its scruffy Yunnanese- influenced charm, with its rickety wooden shops and numerous tea-houses.
讪滴吉利村又重获迷人魅力,从那褴褛破旧,摇摇欲坠的木头店铺和无数茶馆,可以看出当地深受云南民风影响。 yeeyan

The most popular Yunnanese dish goes by the quaint name of Crossing the Bridge Noodles. The name has its origins in a popular tale.
最有名得滇菜要数“过桥米线”了,听起来名字很古怪,这名字来源于一个广为人知的故事。 bangbenw

Yunnanese companies are big investors in mining, rubber and other industries in militia- controlled areas.
云南的企业是缅甸军政府控制地区的采矿,橡胶和其他许多工业中是相当大的投资者。 ecocn




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