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词汇 Yukon
释义 Yu·kon 英ˈjuːˌkɒn美ˈjuˌkɑnAHDy›“kŏn' 

a North American river that flows westward from the Yukon Territory through central Alaska to the Bering Seaa territory in northwestern Canada; site of the Klondike gold rush in the 1890syukon territory育空地区;育空领地(…
近义词 Yukon River育空河Yukon Territory育康地区

用作名词Yukonsolitaire is one of the popular and favorite solitaire games.育空单人纸牌戏是流行的和喜爱的单人纸牌戏游戏之一。
I finally hit theYukonborder and the rain eased up some.我终于达到了育空地区边界和雨势减弱了一些。
There is a gas station and diner at theYukonRiver crossing.有一个加油站和晚餐在〈育空河〉过境。
The summer quickly passed and winter began.The gold seekers were still building their boats.TheYukonRiver turned to ice.夏天很快就过去了,而冬天随即而来,淘金者还在建造他们的船只,〈育空河〉就结冰了。 After beginning in northern British Columbia and flowing through Yukon in Canada, the Yukon River crosses Alaska before emptying into the Bering Sea.
育空河发源于加拿大北部的卑斯省,它流经阿拉斯加,最终注入白令海。 yeeyan

Angling through them is part of the Rocky Mountain Trench, a valley that extends from Montana to just south of the Yukon.
在这些云彩之间错落有致的线条是落基山沟,一条从美国蒙大拿州延伸到育空河南面的峡谷。 yeeyan

The Pelly River is a Yukon tributary and site of the territory's first homestead.
佩利河是育空河的支流,也是育空河流域最早开发出来的田园。 yeeyan

A hiker takes in the view from the trail to King’s Throne in Yukon’s Kluane National Park and Reserve.
加拿大育空地区的克卢恩国家公园和保护区里,一个徒步旅行者在观看去“国王宝座”的路径。 yeeyan

An exposed wall of ice- rich permafrost dwarfs a researcher along the coast of Herschel Island in the Yukon Territory of Canada.
一个含富冰层的永久冻土的裸露悬崖使得沿着加拿大育空地区赫歇尔岛海岸行走的研究员显得格外矮小。 yeeyan

And as her father had told her, she planted potatoes: Yukon Golds, all eyes down toward the body— to keep watch.
还有,她按她父亲告诉她的方法,种植了马铃薯:育空金。她让所有的芽眼都朝下对着尸体,目的是要看守着尸体。 yeeyan

Countless lakes, sloughs, and ponds are scattered throughout this scene of the Yukon Delta. The river's sinuous, branching waterways seem like blood vessels branching out to enclose an organ.
数不清的湖泊、泥沼和池塘遍布在图中的育空三角洲,那些蜿蜒曲折的分支像无数血管包围着一个器官那样。 yeeyan

Enough gold to make a person extremely rich. Our story begins in an area called the Klondike in the Yukon Territory of western Canada.
大量的黄金会使一个人变得非常的富有,我们的故事从加拿大西部育空地区的一个叫克朗代克的地方开始。 yeeyan

George Carmack and his two Indian friends, Skookum Jim Mason and Dawson Charlie, were working near the edge of a small river in western Canada's Yukon Territory.
乔治.科卢麦克和他的两个印第安朋友吉姆.梅森和道森.查理正在加拿大西部育空地区的一条小河边淘金。 yeeyan

In the Canadian Yukon, scientists are using genetic techniques to identify caribou and to study ancient caribou that roamed the same ice patches6,000 years ago.
在加拿大的育空地区,科学家们正在利用基因技术来鉴别北美驯鹿,并探究古时驯鹿的相关信息,6000年前它们曾在这块流冰区漫步。 yeeyan

It is one of the largest river deltas in the world, and currently protected as part of the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge.
育空三角洲是全世界最大的三角洲之一,目前作为“育空三角洲国家生态保护区”而受到保护。 yeeyan

Kuhn is a native of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory’s largest city, which sits nestled between the Alaska Highway and Yukon River.
库恩来自怀特霍斯,育空地区最年轻的城市,两边分别依傍着阿拉斯加公路和育空河。 yeeyan

Most of the people who wrote the books had no idea at all where the Canadian Yukon Territory was. Many did not know anything about the American territory of Alaska.
写这些书的绝大多数人根本就不知道加拿大育空地区在什么地方,许多人对美国的阿拉斯加也是一无所知。 yeeyan

Newspapers printed long stories about the discovery of gold and the rich men who had just returned from the Yukon.
报纸发表了有关发现黄金以及那些从育空地区发财回来的人们的长篇故事。 yeeyan

Only the Yukon has full control of its onshore natural resources, something the other two territories are still negotiating with the federal government.
也只有玉空地区政府对其海岸上的自然资源拥有完全的控制权,而此权力其它两个地区的政府还在与联邦政府商议。 ecocn

Over time the movement of Earth's tectonic plates had pushed the rocks north to Canada's Yukon and Northwest Territories.
经过长期的地球版块位移运动作用,这些岩石明显的都朝着加拿大北方的 YUKON和西北部地区被挤压。 yeeyan

Participants also discussed lower spring snowmelt flows on the Andreafsky and Yukon Rivers, meaning less logs are flowing down the river.
受访者同样也谈到了春天在安德里弗斯河和育空河里较以往水位还低的雪水,意味着越来越少的原木能漂流而下。 yeeyan

The kings failed to show up, and not just in the Yukon.
但是国王鲑鱼没出现,而且不只是育空河出现了这种情形。 iciba

The next day, the ship Portland landed in Seattle, Washington. It too carried men who had found gold in the Yukon.
第二天,波特兰号船也驶进了华盛顿州的西雅图,这艘船也带来了在育空地区发现黄金的人。 yeeyan

The researchers found that the ancient caribou are related to the herds inhabiting the Yukon today, while their preserved droppings suggest they had a similar diet.
研究人员发现,古代驯鹿和现在的育空鹿群沾亲带故,因为遗留的排泄物表明它们有着相似的饮食习惯。 yeeyan

The trail is popular nowadays with hikers, but as we arrived in the Yukon I headed out to it and stepped back in time.
如今这条小道很受徒步者的喜爱,但是当我来到育空地区时,我走到它身边又及时退了回来。 yeeyan

Today we tell the second part of our story about the discovery of gold in the area of Canada called the Yukon.
今天,我们向你讲述在加拿大一个叫育空地区发现黄金的故事的第二部分。 yeeyan

Waiting on the river in Dawson was a Cornishman, Dorian Amos. Ten years ago, he and his wife, Bridget, a Canadian, chose the Yukon as home.
到了道森,在河上等着我们的是康沃尔人多利安阿莫斯,十年前他和妻子加拿大人布丽盖特在育空安了家。 yeeyan

Yukon Huang, an economist and China expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, says the tone from Washington over the years has not helped ease bilateral irritants.

Yukon solitaire is one of the popular and favorite solitaire games.
育空单人纸牌戏是流行的和喜爱的单人纸牌戏游戏之一。 iciba




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