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词汇 Yugurs
释义 Yugurs
Determination of atd angles and tpD values of Yugur nationality and a study of cluster analgsis .裕固族肤纹atd角和tpD值测定及聚类分析研究
Inhabited by the Han, Hui, Yugur, Tibetans, Mongolians and other 26 national, 126 million people.居住着汉族、回族、裕固族、藏族,蒙古族等26个民族,126万人口。
Dances choreographed and directed by her have won many national prizes.She has also enjoyed the title of “dancer of Yugur Nationality”.艺术编导安菊花裕固族,国家二级编导,她创编的舞蹈多次获全国大奖,荣获“裕固族舞蹈家”称号。
The story says an ethnic Yugur girl, Ma-er, loved a poor boy, Saka.Her parents refused to accept Saka.Ma-er and Saka then escaped to another tribe.故事讲述裕固族姑娘玛尔建违背了父母的意愿爱上了穷人家小伙子萨卡,不得不逃到另一部落。
TheYugurs' folk literature is a valuable literary treasure of our country, significant to the study of ethnic cultural fusion and the development of folk literature in China.裕固族民间文学不仅是我国宝贵文学财富,而且对研究民族文化融合现象及中国俗文学的发展都有重要的参考意义。
The Mongolians, Tibetans, Kazakstans, Khalkhases,Yugurs, etc., who are mainly engaged in stockbreeding, make their apparel mostly from animal skin and hair.经营畜牧业的蒙古族、藏族、哈萨克族、柯尔克孜族、裕固族等,穿戴多取诸牲畜皮毛。




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