释义 |
yue opera 基本例句 越剧 MPCC Shanghai Opera Appreciation Club promotes the love of Chinese Culture and Opera in general and Shanghai Yue Opera in particular.马林百列越剧欣赏学会向来热衷于推广中华文化以及中国戏曲,对上海越剧更是兴趣非凡。 In the light of sexual awakening, individuals rediscovered love and lost love in a fusion of East met West, through Ballet and Chinese Yue Opera.在被唤醒的性的烛照下,通过芭蕾和中国越剧两种形式,个体在东方与西方的邂逅中重新发现爱,而又终于失去爱。 Xiguan in GZ city is one birthplace of the Opera.The local people describe their fever/craziness toward the Opera as the saying: Yue Opera, anywhere and anytime.广州西关是粤剧的起源地之一,当地居民以“处处粤乐,夜夜笙歌”来形容他们对粤剧的痴迷。 Happiness Lies in Singing Yue Opera Arias唱越剧是快乐的记杭州越剧十大名票第一名金素文 The Duty of Clappers of Yue Opera越剧鼓板的职责 The Structure of Tunes in Yue Opera and Its Application in the Aria论粤剧曲牌音乐的结构及其在唱腔中的运用 |