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Yuen Long短语⁶⁸⁰⁵³ 基本例句 n.元朗地铁站;香港地铁西铁线站名;元朗。 Hong Yip Street, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong. 新界元朗东头工业区康业街9号。 hkgaltd The ATC and CCTV systems will be expanded to Tai Po and North District, Tuen Mun and Yuen Long. 当局计划把系统扩展至在大埔、北区、屯门及元朗。 hotdic The industrial estates in Tai Po and Yuen Long are practically full and the one in Tseung Kwan O, commissioned in1994, is almost half full. 大埔和元朗工业恏内的土地差不多全部批出,在一九九四年开始运作的将军澳工业恏亦已批出接近一半的土地。 iciba The Hong Kong Industrial Estates Corporation HKIEC develops and manages industrial estates at Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tseung Kwan O, providing214 hectares of land in total. 香港工业园公司负责发展和管理分别位于大埔、元朗及将军澳的工业园,合共提供214公顷用地。 http://dj.iciba.com The industrial estates in Tai Po and Yuen Long are currently full while the one in Tseung Kwan O is half-full. 大埔和元朗工业区的用地已经全部批出,而将军澳工业区亦已批出一半用地。1stenglish The KCRC also operates the Light Rail TransitLRT system in the north-western New Territories in Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai. The system began operation in1988. 新界西北部行经屯门、 元朗及天水围的轻便铁路简称“轻铁”,也由九广铁路公司经营,该系统在一九八八年投入服务。 iciba The train on route610 to Yuen Long is arriving, please wait behind the yellow line and mind the platform gap when boarding. 往元朗嘅610线列车即将到站,乘客请勿超越黄线,上车时,请小心月台间之空隙。 ckfreehost The train on route 615 to Yuen Long is arriving, please wait behind the yellow line and mind the platform gap when boarding. 往元朗嘅615线列车即将到站,乘客请勿超越黄线,上车时,请小心月台间之空隙。 bvehk.net The Wetland Park in Yuen Long District of Hong Kong. 香港元朗区的湿地公园。 blog.sina.com.cn “Tin Sui Wai Sing” is a place in HK near Yuen Long many people should have heard of this place. 天水围是香港的一个地名,位于元朗这个地方听说过的人应该就很多了。 iciba Development is spreading to the Tuen Mun- Yuen Long Corridor. 区内发展正沿屯门至元朗走廊扩展。 iciba I am also the director of Yuen Long Specialist Centre and the director of Hong Kong Heart Rescue. 我亦是元朗专科中心及香港心脏拯救中心的总监。 medcomasia Passengers for stops from Tong Fong to Yuen Long, please change there for route610. 前往塘坊至元朗各站之乘客,请于该站转乘610线路列车。 ushb.net Passengers for stops from Tong Fong to Yuen Long, please change there for route761. 前往塘坊至元朗各站之乘客,请于该站转乘761路线之列车。 ushb.net Route761P to Yuen Long. Please wait behind the yellow line and mind the gap when boarding. 路线761P往元朗。乘客请勿超越黄线,上车时请小心月台边嘅空隙。 bkevine.net These works will bring significant relief to flooding problems in Yuen Long Town and low-lying areas along the Kam Tin River. 这些工程将会大大纾缓元朗市内及锦田河两岸低洼乡村的水浸问题。 iciba This study concentrates on the residents of Tuen Mun and Yuen Long. 本研究集中在屯门及元朗区,理解居民使用单车的经验。 chonghead Your parcel from Japan small or oversized parcel will now be all delivered to our Yuen Long warehouse. 来自日本所有包裹小或过大包裹现在将全部交付给我们的元朗仓库。 freeforums Yuen Long development will be extended southward covering an area of about12 hectares of land mainly for public housing development. 元朗发展计划将会向南伸延,发展约12公顷土地,主要用作兴建公共房屋。 iciba |