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词汇 Yudhoyono
释义 YudhoyonoEconomist⁶⁶⁸⁵
After Ms Mulyani resigned, Mr Bakrie took an ominous role in Mr Yudhoyono’s government.
英德拉瓦蒂辞职后,巴克里先生是尤多约诺政府里的一个不详预兆。 ecocn

“ Indonesia is now the world’s third largest functioning democracy, and President Yudhoyono is firmly committed to decentralization and good governance,” Wolfowitz said on his arrival.
沃尔福威茨在到达亚齐时说:“印度尼西亚目前是世界上第三大有效运作的民主政体,尤多约诺总统坚定地承诺实现权力下放和良政治理。” worldbank

“ Indonesia must struggle to reach food self-sufficiency, ” said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono last year, announcing big increases in seed, fertiliser and credit subsidies.
去年尤多约诺总统说,“印度尼西亚必须竞争达到粮食自足”,宣布种子、化肥和贷款补助金有很大提高。 yeeyan

But it was Mr Yudhoyono’s words about Islam and its place in Indonesia that drew attention.
不过,这只是尤多约诺总统对于伊斯兰教及其在印尼地位耸人听闻的说法。 ecocn

But Mr Yudhoyono now has the breathing-space to try.
但如今, Yudhoyono先生还是有喘息机会的。 yeeyan

Combating corruption and Indonesia's reputation for “ crony capitalism” has also been high on the agenda for Yudhoyono.
与贪污腐败以及印尼臭名昭著的“裙带资本主义”作斗争,也成为尤多约诺议事日程中重要的部分。 yeeyan

Despite many chances, none of the challengers has landed serious blows on Mr Yudhoyono, or even forced him on to the defensive for long.
尽管有一些改变,但是没有一个挑战者能够给尤多约诺致命一击,或者迫使他长久防御。 ecocn

Even so, it is quite likely that the two main presidential contenders will be the same as last time: Mr Yudhoyono and his immediate predecessor, Megawati Sukarnoputri.
尽管为时尚早,但看起来这次最有机会获胜的两位角逐者仍将和上次大选时一样,即现总统尤多约诺和他的前任梅加瓦蒂·苏卡诺。 ecocn

In May, the UN awarded Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with the title Global Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction2011.
今年五月,联合国将2011年减少灾害风险的全球冠军头衔授予了印度尼西亚总统 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono。 yeeyan

In some senses they are a good match but, says Muhammad Hikam, another parliamentarian, Mr Yudhoyono urgently needs to show he is boss.
某种程度上他们可算是珠联璧合,但是另一位国会议员 Muhammad Hikam说,尤多约诺先生急迫的需要证明他才是老板。 ecocn

In the past, the president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, has seemed reticent about criticising religious extremism, perhaps for fear of alienating the Islamic parties in his coalition.
之前,在苏西洛•班邦•尤多约诺总理执政时期,由于怕疏远联合执政中的伊斯兰政党,所以他看起来并不愿对伊斯兰极端思想进行过多的批评。 ecocn

Indonesia's Electoral Commission has declared the Democrat Party of incumbent President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono the winner of last month's parliamentary polls.
印尼选举委员会宣布,现任总统、民主党苏西洛赢得上个月的印尼国会选举。 ebigear

Mr Bakrie is the chairman of Golkar, a big political party, and is an important ally of Indonesia’s president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
巴克里是印尼国内大党派 Golkar的主席,同时也是印尼总统苏西洛•班邦•尤多约诺的重要盟友。 ecocn

Mr Yudhoyonowho was one himself is running with a respected former central bank governor and finance minister.
尤多约诺先生只有他一人同一位受人尊敬的前央行行长和财政部长联手竞选。 ecocn

Mr Yudhoyono’s previous finance minister, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, made a start on this.
在这点上,斯莉•穆尔雅妮•英德拉瓦蒂尤多约诺先生的前财政部长已开了个好头。 ecocn

Mr Yudhoyono has held out the prospect of a cabinet stocked with other capable honest men.
尤多约诺希望能与其他有能力且诚实的人组成内阁。 ecocn

Nevertheless, Mr Yudhoyono is widely expected to win re-election as president in July or September.
然而人们普遍预计,尤多约诺总统将赢得7月份或者9月的总统改选。 ecocn

Not much happened until earlier this year, when President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono himself a liberal ex- general created a panel of experts to investigate the firms.
但军队没有做出多少反映,直到今年早些时候总统苏西洛•班邦•尤多约诺自己是为自由派的前任将军组建了一支专家组来调查各大公司。 ecocn

One of the keys to President Yudhoyono's success has been his management of the economy.
苏西洛总统成功的关键要素之一在于他处理本国经济的方式。 ebigear

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is the undoubted winner.
苏西洛总统是毫无疑问的赢家。 ecocn

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is expected to win the July8 elections, polls show.
民间调查显示,印尼总统苏西洛•班邦•尤多约诺有望在七月8日的大选中获胜。 yeeyan

Protests marked this week’s anniversary with calls for Mr Yudhoyono to resign.
在本周的周年纪念日,有抗议活动要求苏西洛先生辞职。 ecocn

So does corruption. One of Mr Yudhoyono’s great selling-points is his clean image.
腐败也是一样,尤多约诺先生的一个卖点就是他清廉的形象。 ecocn

So Mr Yudhoyono, in 2004 the first Indonesian president to be directly elected, will be the first to be re-elected.
所以,2004年被直接选举为印尼总统的尤多约诺,将是第一个连任的总统。 ecocn

Still, Mr Yudhoyono has two big things going for him.
尤多约诺先生仍然有两大优点。 ecocn

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. For years the quiet man of Indonesian politics, as a general he was never a controversial figure like some of his peers.
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.多年来,他都是印尼政治中的安静人物,他的身上从未像他的某些同僚那样充满争议。 yeeyan

The unit, funded by the United States and Australia, was alleged to have tortured the activists during a visit by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in early August.
这支由美国和澳大利亚资助的部队被指在总统 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono八月份早些时候的一次访问中,虐待了这些激进分子。 ecocn

They include the father of Mr Yudhoyono’s daughter-in-law.
他们中包括尤多约诺先生的亲家公。 ecocn




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