

单词 Yucatan
释义 Yucatan ju:kəˈtɑ:n,-ˈtæn Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a state of Mexico on the northern part of the Yucatan Peninsulaa peninsula in Central America extending into the Gulf of Mexico between the Bay of Campeche and the Caribbean Sea
用作名词Cancun is in Mexico, on theYucatanPeninsula.坎昆在墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。
A projected track shows the hurricane should slam into Mexico'sYucatanPeninsular late Monday.跟踪迹象显示本次飓风将在下周一冲击墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。 A projected track shows the hurricane should slam into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsular late Monday.
预测路线图表明飓风会在周一晚些时候登陆墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the tenth century, the Mayas had thoroughly settled the Yucatan, and the tablets were placed beneath the altar of one of the great temples of the Sun God.
十个世纪后,玛雅人完全地定居在尤卡坦半岛,而石板被放置在太阳神的神庙之一的祭坛下面。 douban

Some strengthening is expected today, and Dean is likely to becoming a category5 hurricane prior to making landfall over the Yucatan peninsula very early Tuesday morning.
预计今天风势将继续加强,迪安可能演变为5级飓风并率先在周二清晨登陆尤卡坦半岛。 iciba

The aboriginal Americans settled in the Yucatan peninsulas of preset- day Mexico around 10,000BC.
公元前10000年前后,美洲的原始人都居住在尤卡坦半岛,即今天的墨西哥。 yeeyan

The land bridge that connected Poseida and Og to the Yucatan remained above water initially and was literally filled with tens of thousands of Atlanteans frantically attempting to escape.
连接波塞迪亚和奥戈通往尤卡坦半岛的大陆桥最初仍高于水面,挤满了成千上万疯狂逃命的亚特兰蒂斯人。 douban

The hole made by that collision, in what is now the Yucatan Peninsula in southern Mexico, has long since been buried in thick layers of sediment under the sea.
当今墨西哥南部的尤卡坦半岛中有当年撞击形成的洞,现早就被海底厚层沉淀物所掩埋。 ecocn

The idea of the Lemurian continent first appeared in the works of Augustus Le Plongeon, 1826-1908 a19th century researcher and writer who conducted investigations of the Maya ruins in the Yucatan.
利莫里亚大陆的构想最先出现在奥古斯塔斯1826——1908的作品里,一个十九世纪的研究员和作家,指导了尤坦卡半岛的玛雅文明废墟研究。 www.360doc.com

The Mayans developed a strong political, artistic and religious identity amongst the highly populated Yucatan lowlands.
在人口众多优卡塔半岛低地,玛雅人发展出了一个强大的政治、艺术和宗教文化。 yeeyan




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