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词汇 youwei
释义 youwei
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties there were four works partly entitled Mencius, Written by Huang Zongxi, Dai Zhen, Jiao Xun, Kang Youwei.
明清两代,有四部以“孟子”为书名前冠的著作,作者分别是黄宗羲、戴震、焦循、康有为。 cnki

“ Harmony” was the dream and hope of that great Chinese thinker and activist Kang Youwei.
和谐是中国伟大的思想家和活动家康有为先生的梦想和希望。 topsage

After the Reform Movement of1898, the experience of travelling in Europe and America changed the thought of Kang Youwei.
戊戌变法后,游历欧美的经历,使康有为思想发生了变化。 cnki

Chapter 4 talks about the inheritance and development of Kang Youwei's conflict literary view by the students of Kang School.
第四章,介绍“康门”弟子对康有为错位文艺观的继承与发展。 boshuo

Chapter2 performed a systematic analysis of the relationship between Kang Youwei's reform thought and calligraphy thought.
第二章,对康有为变法思想与书学思想的关系进行系统的分析。 boshuo

Equality and common flourishing as the goal of politics have formed the basis of distributive and retributive justice in political thought from Laozi to Kang Youwei.
作为政治目标的平等和共同繁荣,从老子到康有为在政治思想方面已经形成了分配和报偿正义的基础。 chinese-thought

Even Kang Youwei's theory of reform could not break through this frame.
然而,严复在变革的实践上又未能突破中体西用论的框架。 cnki

He had studied under Kang Youwei the Western realism, and in Europe he was influenced by the traditional Western realism, especially by the French Academism.

Hu's contribution includes:1, revitalizing Xishan Youwei Temple, the activities center of Filial Taoism;
具体而言,胡氏的贡献有如下几点:一是复兴了西山游帷观这一“孝道”的活动中心; cnki

In fact, Li Duan s recommendation of Kang Youwei is of great significance and function, which has an effect on the overall process of the Hundred Days Reform and the development of the organize.
实际上,李端棻荐举康有为关系百日维新的变法大局和组织建设,具有非同寻常的意义和作用。 dictall

In this book Kang Youwei proves the functions of museum, shows the readers a picture of the developed cause of museum in Italy and makes suggestions to develop the Chinese museum cause.
他从理论与实际两个方面,论证了博物馆的职能,向读者展示了意大利发达的博物馆事业,并提出了发展中国博物馆的设想。 cnki

Kang Youwei s view towards modern science and technology cannot be taken apart from his idea of constitutional reform and modernization.
康有为的近代科技观是其维新启蒙思想的不可或缺的内容。 dictall

Kang Youwei was a great thinker who was the first to advocate equality between men and women in the modern history of China.
康有为是中国近代史上最早提倡男女平等的思想家,这一思想渊源于法国思想家卢梭。 cnki

Kang Youwei's ideal of Universal Great Harmony and Sun Yat-sen's ideal of People's Livelihood, reflected the intention of the union of the pursuit of modernization with the choice of socialism.
康有为的世界大同理想和孙中山的民生主义,就体现了现代化追求与社会主义选择统一的意向。 boshuo

Kang Youwei first is a statesman. Whatever he did is to serve his political dream of saving the country and safeguarding the country.
康有为首先是个政治家,他所做的一切,皆是为了他救国图存的政治理想服务。 boshuo

Kang Youwei's Great Harmony mainly reflects the idea of Great Harmony formed at the and of the19th century.
康有为的《大同书》集中反映了19世纪末期形成的大同思想。 cnki

Newer, more progressive- minded thinkers like Kang Youwei were trusted and recognized conservative-minded people like Li Hongzhang were removed from high positions.

That character also provided a review clue to the studies on The Analects and the conceptions about political reform of Kang Youwei.
这种解释特征,为晚清康有为的《论语》研究及其变法观念提供了考察的线索。 airiti

The formation of Kang Youwei's economical thought is the inevitable outcome of his seeking truth from the West.
康有为经济思想的形成,是他向西方寻求真理的必然结果; cnki

They were influenced not only by the traditional culture of the feudalism but also by the culture of the west Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, the famous political thinkers, are the earliest initiator.
他们既受到我国封建传统文化的影响,又受到西方文化的熏陶和滋养。著名的政治思想家康有为、梁启超是我国近代史上最早的美育倡导者。 cnki

Thus, Kang Youwei opened the historical tide of the revolution of the modern culture which took the transformation of national thought as its foundation.
由此康有为开启了以国民思想改造为根基的现代文化变革的历史潮流。 cnki




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