

单词 bioluminescent
释义 bi·o·lu·mi·nes·cent 英'baɪo,ljumɪ'nɛsənt美'baɪo,ljumɪ'nɛsənt 高TCOCA⁹⁰³⁶⁷BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb³⁸⁷⁴³

of living organisms emitting light;

fireflies are bioluminescent

bio-生物-lumin-escent⇒adj.生物荧光的 As a result, exploiting bioluminescent reactions was rather impractical.
所以,开发生物荧光反应是很没有实际价值的。 ecocn

The intensity of the bioluminescent signal was directly proportional to the AHL concentration.
生物发光信号的强度与 AHL的浓度成正比。 dxy

The sensor system uses the optical fiber as the transmission medium of bioluminescent bacteria signal, separating the sensor and the optical detecting system, which is convenient for field use.
传感器系统采用光纤作为发光菌信号传导介质,使传感器与后面的集成光学检测分析系统相分离,便于现场应用。 cnki

This gene enables the jellyfish to glow with the bioluminescent protein aequorin.
该种基因使水母能够在发光蛋白质的作用下发光。 dict.v.wenguo.com

Combine this with bioluminescent ink, for example, and you could turn yourself into a small, walking version of Times Square.
将其同一种生物性发光联系起来,比如说你可以将自己变成时代广场上一个小小的、移动的对象。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Geneticist and artist Hunter Cole has produced an incredible rendition of DNA molecules using bioluminescent bacteria.
遗传学家及艺术家亨特•科尔 Hunter Cole使用具有生物发光性的细菌绘制出这样一幅令人惊叹的 DNA分子演示图。 yeeyan

If work by a team of undergraduates at the University of Cambridge pans out, bioluminescent trees could one day be giving our streets this dreamlike look.
如果来自剑桥大学的本科生研究小组的项目成功了,那么终有一天生物荧光树木会像刚才描述的那样点缀我们的街景。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Jan van der Meer at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland is taking the idea of using bioluminescent bacteria as pollution monitors a step further, by tinkering with their genetics.
瑞士洛桑大学的简•范德梅尔采用了这样的思路:当污染监测需要更加精确时,通过改变基因可以让生物荧光细菌派上用场。 ecocn

Rapid controlled shifts of the dancers' bioluminescent spots add to the magical beauty of the performance.
舞者身上的发光点快速地变换着颜色,为这奇幻动人的表演又增添了几分绚丽。 yeeyan

Specifically, America's navy wants to be able to forecast whether a vessel in a particular location might cause a bioluminescent glow that would give away its position, says Dr Widder.
说具体一点,美国海军希望能够在一个指定区域内预报是否有能激起生物荧光,并由此暴露其位置的舰艇存在,韦德博士这样说。 ecocn

The sky and people as a mating ritual are bioluminescent.
天空和人作为交配的仪式发出生物光。 ecocn

The team calculates that for a bioluminescent tree to compete with a street light, only0.02 per cent of the energy absorbed for photosynthesis would need to be diverted into light production.
研究小组对生物发光树和街灯进行比较和计算,这些树木只需要0.02%的能量进行光合作用就可以发光了。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

These are bioluminescent chromatophores, and they glow in the dark like fireflies.
这些是荧光的色素细胞,它们在黑暗中像萤火虫一样发光。 yeeyan

They exposed the creatures to a beam of directed blue light, as might come from certain bioluminescent predators, as well as to other stimuli such as passing shadows.
他们揭露了生物的蓝色光束,可能来源于某个会发光的食肉动物也可能是受到其他的刺激,如通过的阴影。 yeeyan

This bypassed the problems associated with jellyfish collection and made it much easier to use bioluminescent reactions to detect the presence of calcium ions.
这种技术的应用就避免了最初从水母中收集荧光蛋白的各种困难,并且使得操作变得简单易行,通过使用这种蛋白质,就可以检测钙离子的含量。 ecocn

This bypassed the problems associated with jellyfish collection and made it much easier to use bioluminescent reactions to detect the presence of calcium ions.
这就化解了和捕捉水母有关的难题,并且让使用生物荧光反应来侦测钙离子变得更加简单。 ecocn

This lamp uses bioluminescent bacteria to light up a room, a component of the weirdly compelling Microbial Home concept.
这盏灯是用生物荧光细菌制作的,能照亮一间屋子,是精灵古怪微生物概念屋的组成部分。 www.youfind.com.cn

This bioluminescent, squid-like creature would be capable of living on the bottom of the salty ocean on Jupiter.
这种自身能够发光的墨鱼状生物能够在木星上的深海区生存。 hjenglish

To build a bioluminescent method for the determination of microbial ATP in the tissues of corpse.
建立利用生物发光法检测尸体组织中微生物 ATP含量的方法。 dictall

Bioluminescent plants could appeal especially to people whose homes are not wired up to the electricity grid.
家中没有与供电中心联线的人们对生物荧光植物很感兴趣。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn




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