

单词 your-face
释义 your-faceCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
Jianwei Fong's new paintings employ Chinese advertising billboards as backdrops. In a witty but straightforward way, he paints traditional images over the “ in-your-face” commercialistic icons.
冯健伟在以大幅广告布为画布的作品中以直率和讽刺的方式把传统的视觉元素覆盖在直白的商业性符号上。 stir-art

Ten years later, Shannon still has his knack for telling a story from both a kid's and an exasperated adult's point of view — and still draws the most hilarious, in-your-face pictures on the planet.
十年后,香农仍然有诀窍以一个孩子和一个被激怒的大人的口吻讲一个故事,而且还画出了这个星球最欢闹、最让人过目不忘的插图。 yeeyan




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