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词汇 Younis
释义 Younis ˈjəˌnɪs 
Adnan Hindi of the Jenin camp called the Holocaust a “ political issue” and accused conductor Wafa Younis of unknowingly dragging the children into a political dispute.

After an altercation, they arrested Younis Tsouli pictured above.
一阵争吵过后,警察逮捕了 younis tsouli上图。 ecocn

Assorted Islamists are suspected of killing Abdel Younis Fattah, the rebel commander who died outside Benghazi in late July in mysterious circumstances.
利比亚叛军指挥官 Abdel Younis Fattah在去年7月神秘地死在班加西郊外,而凶手可能是各式各样的伊斯兰教徒。 renren

“ It's not fair, ” one retired worker, Younis, told Reuters news agency. “ We are very angry.”
“这不公平,”一个退休工人, Younis告诉路透社新闻办事处:“我们很愤怒。” yeeyan

Contact with the shell remnants causes severe burns, sometimes burning the skin to the bone, consistent with descriptions by Ahmed Almi, an Egyptian doctor at the al- Nasser hospital in Khan Younis.
据 Khan Younis的 al- Nasser医院里一位埃及医生 Ahmed Almi的描述,残留的弹片接触皮肤后会导致严重的灼伤,有些甚至深可见骨。 yeeyan

In the first reported fatality since the ceasefire began, a Palestinian was killed by Israeli forces near the town of Khan Younis after mortar bombs were fired from the area, medical workers said.
医务人员说,自以单边停火后首起死亡事故发生——迫击炮射击该地区后,一位巴勒斯坦人在汗尤尼斯镇附近被以军杀死。 yeeyan

Libyan rebel leader, Abdul Fattah Younis, has accused NATO of standing idly by, while forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi continue killing people in the besieged western city of Misrata.
利比亚一名叛军领袖 Abdul Fattah Younis指控卡扎菲的军队在被困的西部城市米苏拉塔杀害平民时北约竟袖手旁观。 koolearn

Military service is mandatory in Libya, and he had spent some time in the army, but before the uprising broke out, he was a student in Arabic literature at Gar Younis University in Benghazi.
利比亚实行义务兵制,所以他曾经在军队里呆过一段时间,但直到起义开始前,在班加西他还只是一个 Gar Younis大学学习阿拉伯文学的学生。

Proceedings in the council have been tense since the killing in July of Abdel Fatah Younis, the then commander of the anti- Qaddafi forces.
自从七月份,当时的反卡扎菲武装将领阿卜杜勒•法塔赫•尤尼斯被杀以来,过渡委的事务进行得尤为紧张。 ecocn

Then Omar Hariri was named minister of military affairs, with General Younis, widely distrusted because of his record under Colonel Qaddafi, apparently in command at the front.
奥马尔•哈里里Omar Hariri曾被任命为武装指挥官,和尤尼斯将军一样,由于在卡扎菲政府的任职记录,他并未得到充分的信任,这种不信任在指挥前线作战时尤为明显。 ecocn

They said they would also investigate the death in June of General Abdel Fatah Younis, the rebels’ military commander, who was killed while in the custody of a rival militia.
他们也不忘调查反对派武装指挥官阿卜杜勒-法塔赫·尤尼斯在六月份的死亡他被一名遭逮捕的民兵组织成员杀害一事。 ecocn

They said they would also investigate the death in June of General Abdel Fatah Younis, the rebels' military commander, who was killed while in the custody of a rival militia.
相关人员表示,他们将同时调查今年七月反叛军军事指挥官阿卜杜·法塔赫·尤尼斯将军在被敌对方关押过程中被谋杀一案。 renren

General Younis said that without Nato action, Misrata residents faced extermination within a week.
Younis将军表示,如果北约不采取行动,米苏拉塔居民一周之内即将灭绝。 voanews

Younis and colleagues studied182 current smokers and303 former smokers who were on average in their mid-60s.
Younis和他的同事研究了182名正在吸烟患者和303名曾经吸烟患者,他们平均年龄大约60多岁。 essaystar

Younis said that her intention was purely to perform music. “ We didn't do anything wrong, ” she said.




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