

单词 Youngor
释义 Youngor
A member ofYoungor's investment department, who requested anonymity, downplays the investments as just a supplement.雅戈尔公司投资部门中一位不愿透露姓名的员工将这种投资淡化为“只是一个补充”。
The suit manufacturerYoungorhas strict requirements for the materials they use.雅戈尔西服生产商对服装用料有十分严格的要求。
While building garments-making base with high investment and high technology,Youngorhas put special emphasis in constructing distinctive enterprise culture.雅戈尔在以高投入、高技术打造服装制造基地的同时,尤其重视构建有特色的企业文化。
Youngor's holdings include shares in China Life LFC, Bank of Ningbo, and Citic Securities, the country's largest broker and a red-hot stock in its own right.雅戈尔公司持有中国人寿、宁波银行及中信证券的股份。中信证券是中国最大的券商而且本身也是一只热门股。
Hoping for a repeat of its hit with Citic,Youngorhas even applied to regulators to participate in a secondary offering of Haitong Securities, whose shares have rocketed 885% since its IPO.为了复制投资中信证券的成功,雅戈尔公司甚至向监管机构申请认购海通证券的定向增发新股。自上市以来,海通证券股价已暴涨了885%。
With Integrated Noble Character as Notion and With Vigorous Spirit to Perform--OnYoungor's enterprise culture construction以厚德载物为念以龙马精神为事--雅戈尔企业文化建设略述




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