

单词 young master
释义 young master短语¹³⁰⁰⁹
However, security workers and i see second young master give the diamond to a girl, and the two escape together.
不过,我和保全在外面看到二少爷将项链交给一个女的,两个人一起跑了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lao K: everything is ready, just wait for second young master coming.
老 K:都安排好了,就等二少爷出现。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lao K: First young master, second young master stole my car, and hurricane drive on road. I have sent several persons to catch him.
老 K:大少爷,二少爷偷了我的车,现在在路上狂飙,我已经派人追他了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lao K: In fact, it is First young master who wants you come back, not Master.
老 K:其实这次要你回来的不是老爷,是大少爷。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lao K: Second young master is as missing as one year. If you escape this time, i cannot explain to Chairman.
老 K:二少爷一失踪就是一年,如果这一次再让你跑掉,我就没有办法向董事长交代。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lao K: Second young master, we have been finding you for a long time. If you do not cause trouble this time, and detained by the French police, we have no way to find you.
老 K:二少爷,我们已经找你找了很久,要不是你在法国闹事,让法国警方羁押,我们也是没有办法找到你。 blog.sina.com.cn

Lao K: Second young master, what happens?
老 K:二少爷,发生什么事? blog.sina.com.cn

Lao K: Sorry, second young master. Can i say a word?
老 K:对不起,二少爷,我能说句话吗? blog.sina.com.cn

Madam, King Ning sends someone here to visit Young Master.
夫人,宁皇派人来要见少爷。 blog.sina.com.cn

May God from my inner heart bless me, the young master!
愿我心中的上帝保佑少爷! blog.sina.com.cn

Second young master, please.
二少爷,请。 blog.sina.com.cn

They say she was having illicit relations with the young master of the Zhou house and had given birth to two babies.
听说她跟那时周公馆的少爷有点不清白,生了两个儿子。 pkumti

They both promised fair to grow up as rude as savages; the young master being entirely negligent how they behaved, and what they did, so they kept clear of him.
他们都有希望会像粗野的野人一样成长。少爷完全不过问他们的举止和行动,所以他们也乐得躲开他。 ebigear

When the easy water cold crest wears a murmur to leave, the that extremely bossy Pu much more western young master has already become an idiocy of standard, will hurtle a person silly smile.
当易水寒顶着咕噜离开,那个作威作福的普西多少爷已经成为一个标准的白痴,只会冲着人傻笑。 tianya




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