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词汇 younger brother
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For the sake of taking care of him,his younger brother became his shadow,never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his toes,he was completely unable to do anything in his life.
为了照顾他,弟弟从小到大总是形影不离地跟在他的身边,他除了学会了用脚趾头写字做作业外,生活上完全不能自理。 ebigear

His younger brother told him the priest was still molesting boys13 years later.
13年过去了,他从弟弟那得知,那个牧师仍在猥亵男童。 ecocn

The former Cuban leader Fidel Castro has made his first public appearance with his younger brother Raul since handing over power five years ago.
自五年前移交权力以来,古巴前领导人菲德尔•卡斯特罗首次和他的弟弟罗尔•卡斯特罗一起露面。 hxen

While seemingly having a normal life, at the age of12 Burton left his parents and younger brother, Daniel, in order to live with his grandmother.
表面上一家人过着普通人的生活,可在12岁时波顿就离开了父母与弟弟丹尼尔,与祖父母们住在一起。 yeeyan

Yes, he had also read the reports about his younger brother. Yes, the decision was his father’s, with unerring judgment.
他承认也读到了关于他弟弟的报道,他承认这是父亲伟大光荣正确的决定。 ecocn

But being so tired, his younger brother fell asleep, leaving him on the toilet for two hours till the teacher on duty discovered him.
但是,因为太累,他的弟弟一下睡着了,把他一个人留在厕所呆了两个小时,直到值班老师发现他。 ebigear

He and his younger brother have already discussed it and will marry the same woman.
他和他的弟弟们已经商量好了,他们要娶同一个女人做老婆。 yeeyan

How can I survive a day with my younger brother and sister?
我该怎么熬过单独和弟弟妹妹相处的一天? yeeyan

I was in a hurry, irritated from a day at work and in no mood to be driving to the family home for a dinner that would no doubt involve an argument with my younger brother over soccer results.
我匆匆忙忙的开着车,结束了一天烦人的工作,真不想回家吃晚饭。毫无疑问,吃晚饭的时候我弟弟肯定又要就足球比赛的结果和我争论了。 cri

In that sense Fidel’s reappearance and recovery is a boost for his younger brother, Raúl, who took over from him and was formally elevated to the presidency in2008.
在这个意义上菲德尔的复出,对于他的弟弟劳尔来说是一种支援。 而劳尔恰恰就是从他手中接过政权,并在2008年被正式地提升为总统。 ecocn

It gets worse: at a subsequent family dinner, his father took him aside and told him it would have been better if he, rather than his younger brother, had died in a car accident several years earlier.
接着更糟的是:在随后的而一次家庭晚餐中,父亲将他拉到一旁,对他说,如果几年前在交通事故中死去的人是他而不是他的弟弟,那就好了。 yeeyan

It used to really creep my younger brother and me out, but we loved to go there because my aunt had four children.
那是一个曾经使我和弟弟毛骨悚然的地方,但我们还是喜欢去她那儿,因为姑妈家有四个孩子。 kekenet

My mother struggled to raise my younger brother and me on her own; in one way or another we always got by without our father. We had what we needed.
我母亲独自一人辛辛苦苦把我和弟弟拉扯大,我们在没有父亲的情况下长大,但是我们一样都不缺。 yeeyan

My sleep was interrupted by a phone call, and I was instantly shocked into full consciousness: My younger brother was trapped in a snow cave on Mount Hood, and an unyielding blizzard prevented rescue.
我的睡眠被一个电话打断了,而我震惊的立刻就完全恢复了意识:我的弟弟被困在胡德山的一个冰洞里,而一场持续的暴风雪阻止了营救行动。 yeeyan

My younger brother sounds as though he has swallowed something nasty.
弟弟的反应听起来好像刚刚是吞下了什么脏东西。 yeeyan

She married her younger brother, Ptolemy, and she became the mistress of the Roman general Julius Caesar.

The boy wrote: My younger brother's arms are my arms; while the girl wrote: Broken wings, flying heart.
男孩写下的是:弟弟的双手就是我的双手;而女孩写下的:断了翅膀,但我心依旧飞翔。 ebigear

The Bush family name, once among the most illustrious in American political life, is now so tainted that Jeb, George’s younger brother, recently decided not to run for the Senate from Florida.
布什这个姓一度在美国政坛享有盛名,然而现在却已经臭名昭著,杰布•布什,乔治•布什的弟弟,已经于近期决定放弃佛罗里达州参议院的竞选。 ecocn

The court also turfed his younger brother, Shahbaz Sharif, out of Punjab’s provincial parliament and his post as its chief minister.
法院还把他的弟弟沙赫巴兹谢里夫驱逐出旁遮普省议会,罢免了他在旁遮普省首席部长职位。 ecocn

The boy’s younger brother testified that he had seen Mr. Jackson fondling his brother on two other occasions.
该男孩的弟弟作证说他曾经在两次不同的场合看到迈克.杰克逊抚弄他的哥哥。 yeeyan

Then the cardiologist tested my younger brother and me for the disease.
之后心脏病专家对我和弟弟进行检查,看是否患有此病。 yeeyan




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