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Yoshihisa ˌjoʃəˈhiːsə COCA²⁴¹⁹¹⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 义久¹⁰⁰ Jing Peng, Nobuyuki Tamai,YoshihisaKawahara and G.W.Huang, : Numerical modeling of local scour around spur dikes, Proc.彭静,河原能久,丁坝群近体流动结构的可视化实验研究,水利学报,2000.;2。 Kenji,Hisonori A,YoshihisaK,et al.Radiation therapy for locoregionally recurreut esosophageal cancer after surgery;.Radiother Oncol,2001,61:165-168.梅泽如项其昌等.;食管癌术后预防性放疗前瞻性研究; Jing Peng,YoshihisaKawahara and Nobuyuki Tamai , Evaluation of k-e type turbulence models in simulating flow around spur dikes, 1th symposium of turbulence shear flow phenomena, U.S.A.彭静,玉井信行,河原能久,丁坝坝头冲淤的三维数值模拟,水动力学研究与进展,1999。 YoshihisaKashima . Is culture a problem for social psychology? Asian Journ al of Social Psychology 2005,8, p19严明;孟维杰.;跨文化研究:心理学发展新契机; -High 90 meters wide and 50 meters, total of 6 King Hall, a fairy came down, the Eight ImmortalsYoshihisa, Tallinn Yeyue more than 40 landscapes.通高90米、宽50米,共设6个景厅,有仙女下凡、八仙贺寿、塔林夜月等40多个景观。进得洞来,拾级攀援而上,既能观赏惊险奇绝的景色,又可当作登狼牙山的必经通道。 YoshikawaYoshihisa吉川贵久 |