释义 |
yoram 基本例句 n.约拉姆 Yoram Barzel based his economic analysis of property rights on the Core Theorem of Coase and the ambiguity of property rights in the public domain. 姚兰·巴塞尔的产权经济分析是以科斯核心定理和公共领域产权的不确定性为基础的。 cnki Yoram Barzel, my closest colleague in Seattle, disagreed with the answer, but he felt that the theoretical section was so good that it would be a shame if the manuscript did not go into print. 延迟了一年才出版,因为不同意的批评者无数。在西雅图最亲密的同事巴赛尔,不同意我的推断,但他认为关于理论那一节真好,不发表很可惜。 cri |