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词汇 Yongbyon
释义 Yongbyon ˈjɒŋˈbjɒn COCA⁸⁵²⁰¹BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
Indeed, the same diplomat notes that the North’s recent actions have been “ tactically cautious”: for instance, there is no sign that Yongbyon’s dismantlement is about to be fully reversed.
这名外交官还指出,朝鲜最近的行动“在战术上比较谨慎”:比如,并没有迹象显示朝鲜将完全停止拆除宁边的核设施。 ecocn

It also submitted a declaration of its nuclear activities, limited mainly to Yongbyon's plutonium production.
北韩也递交了一份核活动清单,主要是关于宁边的钸制造。 ebigear

Its weapons- research program involves hundreds of scientists at labs in the capital Pyongyang and other cities, including Yongbyon, where the country's nuclear power plant is located.
朝鲜首都平壤和其他城市研究室中的数百名科学家参与了该国的武器研究计划,包括朝鲜核电站所在地宁边的研究人员。 ebigear

Reprocessing the remaining spent fuel rods at Yongbyon would give it one more bomb.
如果把宁边剩下的核原料重新加工,大概它还能多造一颗核弹。 ecocn

Since then American inspectors have moved into Yongbyon to see that it is disabled and eventually dismantled.
美国观察员已进驻宁边以监察核设施的去功能化和最终的拆除。 ecocn

The government in Pyongyang is committed to freezing swiftly its main nuclear facility at Yongbyon, where, among other things, plutonium is extracted from spent fuel rods.
平壤政府承诺很快冻结其位于宁边的核设施,在那里,除开许多其他核相关活动以外,钚是从用过的燃料棒中提取浓缩的。 ecocn

The North responded by ejecting international inspectors from the reprocessing facility at its main nuclear plant in Yongbyon.
对此,北韩作出的回应是把国际核查员从它在宁边的主要核工厂驱赶出去。 ebigear

Another tour group was taken by the North Koreans to witness them blowing up part of the Yongbyon nuclear facility.
但另外一组旅行团就在朝鲜人的带领下见证到了他们在宁边摧毁一部分的核设施。 yeeyan

But the reality is that North Korea has no civilian nuclear programme. Its one working reactor, at Yongbyon, is not hooked up to North Korea's electricity grid.
但实际上朝鲜根本没有民用的核生产,它在宁边的一个使用中的核反应堆压根儿没有和国家电网相连. ecocn

He refuses, however, to own up to known imports of equipment for enriching uranium another potential route to a bomb that scuppered the very first Yongbyon deal.
然而,他拒绝承认自己知道铀浓缩制造核弹的另一个潜在途径设备进口的事情,这就使宁边协议一开始就完蛋了。 ecocn

In August it stopped disabling its main nuclear facility at Yongbyon and even threatens to undo the dismantling.
八月朝鲜停止了在宁边的主要核设施的去功能化,甚至威胁将停止拆除核设施。 ecocn

In response, North Korea ejected international inspectors and their surveillance equipment from its main nuclear reprocessing facility at Yongbyon.
作为回应,北韩拒绝国际核查人员及其监察设备进入位于宁边的主要核设施。 ebigear

North Korea agreed last year to fully disable its nuclear facility at Yongbyon as part of a broader multinational deal aimed at ending its nuclear programs altogether.
作为彻底结束北韩核项目而达成的一项多边协议的一部分,北韩去年同意全面拆除宁边核反应堆。 ebigear

North Korea has made progress on pledges to disable facilities capable of producing plutonium, including its main production facility at Yongbyon.
北韩在兑现消除生产钸材料的核设施的功能的承诺方面取得了进展,其中包括宁边的主要核设施。 iciba

North Korea signed an agreement last year to declare those programs and began disabling its main nuclear facility at Yongbyon, with much broader disarmament steps to come in the future.
北韩去年签署一项协议,同意公布其核项目清单、开始拆除在宁边的主要核反应堆,并且将在未来采取更广泛的裁军步骤。 ebigear

Pyongyang responded angrily by vowing to resume Yongbyon's operations, then barring international inspectors from conducting their usual surveillance of the site.
平壤的反应是气愤地誓言重建宁边核设施,然后拒绝国际调查人员到现场进行例行的监督。 ebigear

Spokesman McCormack said Pyongyang continues to move in the wrong direction with its activity at Yongbyon.
美国国务院发言人麦科马克说,北韩在宁边的活动说明它依然在执行错误的政策。 ebigear

The official said the logs will be critical in determining the validity of the pending declaration, including North Korea's accounting of how much fissionable material was produced at Yongbyon.
这位官员说,对于确定北韩公布情况的真实性方面,这些日志至关重要,包括确定北韩在宁边生产出的核裂变材料的规模。 ebigear

The agreement requires North Korea to “ shut down and seal for the purpose of eventual abandonment” its nuclear facilities at Yongbyon,87km54 miles north of Pyongyang.
这个协定旨在要求朝鲜关闭并以最终废弃其地处宁边,这个距离首都平壤87公里54英里的核设施为目的。 ecocn

Under way for five years now, this effort aims not just to dismantle Yongbyon, where North Korea made the plutonium for its much- boasted bombs.
现在经过五年的努力,大家的目标不仅仅是拆除宁边的核设施,朝鲜在此生产为其过分吹嘘的核弹而准备的钚元素。 ecocn




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